Ad Infinitum glider skin animation

Ad Infinitum glider skin animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Satakal.6971


Hi. Yesterday I finished crafting the Ad Infinitum legendary backpack and noticed that it’s glider skin has an animation glitch.

If the glider is deployed while holding W, the deployment animation is weird and glitchy, unless the camera is close to the character. This happens on male asura, male norn, male human, male sylvari, but it does not happen on male charr. I have no female characters to test this out on.

Here is a video of it:
Notice that it animates normally when the camera is close, and glitches when I zoom out.

I tried changing video settings between best performance and best appearance presets, and changing camera settings to defaults, but this did not help. Anything else I can try? This is really depressing, I worked for so long to craft this item.