Adnul Irongut

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Still spamming his elite, impossible to counter. may not overlap them, but he still spams them.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Thore Thundergod.8764

Thore Thundergod.8764

He is impossible to beat due to his spamming nothing will help that no strategy or technic please fix cannot get achievement points.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Voramoz.6790


He was supposedly fixed but he was not fixed. Still spamming, still carries over, and a buddy told me he is still MUCH harder than poyaqui. Please fix this broken encounter.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


This is nearly impossible? Very difficult no problem, i enjoy a challenge…

But I’ve been at it for 2 hours straight. It is not worth the effort, if it is at all possible… I have 1 “elite skill”, but he can use his indefinitely. If this would have been for coin I probably should have taken out my scepter and blown him into kite scraps… And he’s raving at me for being a cheat when I fake a drink… My ele has had so much to drink now, she should be comatose by now…

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Two tries on and I finally got it. so it’s about 2,5 hrs of the same drinking game….

I noticed and found a regularity.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Sinaya.4201


Is he supposed to be able to use his signature ability so often? Also, is he supposed to have extra health? Grr…

Crystal Desert

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Perwell.5749


After the patch he still use his signature ability 3 times in 12 rounds….so u can only bluff there an in this 3 rounds he blech…hahaha very funny. This guy is only a fail…btw, why I lose if the game is a draw…I’m not the champ, so I win at a draw….

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: shujin.8904


That challaenge is the most stupid waste of time achivement i ever did and i still didnt beat him yet. I wont do it after u fix his stupud belch spaming at my healing. It is the belch counter which makes him hard. I dun really care about his signature spaming when i get 1 or 2 rounds to heal myself or bluff him. But i wont do this s*** till u guys fix his belch which he only uses when I use HEAL or BELCH!

(edited by shujin.8904)

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Clairvoyance.2045


Please fix this.. I’ve spent over 3 hours trying to beat this guy..

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: scadi.6091


What’s the problem with this npc?oO
bugs fixed but nothing changed and still spamming his signature ability while players can use only one time their skill…
the rare players who had beaten him report that Poyaqui is muchmuchmuchmuch easier than this alcoholic and sarcastic norn.
No way to heal while his signature ability is on just because he bleches.
after a few 3 houres trying with different strat and skills to make him shut up i just took it for a joke from Anet…

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Regenerator.7326


I beat him in only one hour and a half. you guys just have petty palate not worthy of a true norn.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: reigar.2348


There may exist two bugs at play. One, the mouse does not all ways seem to register that a key is pressed, defaulting to taking a drink. Two, Adnul does not seem receive a consistent punishment for taking a drink. It appears that simply takes 20 percent, and healing is 20 percent up (which is why you heal less then one damages with the drink). The issue is that Adnul does not loose 20% of his health for a drink, combined with his ability, means that player only wins on the random chance that there is break from him spamming his skill (which the skill seems to happen more often as he gets lower in health). Please fix this, this is not fun, and just seems more like a chance that he messes up from his routine for another player to win (rather then skill).

Adnul Irongut

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark.7152


I’ve tried to beat him for a couple hours now and he has definitely got to be bugged. His drinks do little damage and he heals way too much. His signature spam is still not fixed, and if it is ‘fixed’ I don’t see how 7 consecutive spams of the sig is in any way helpful. He’s virtually impossible, please fix it.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Shnooobins.4925


I don’t mind a challenge, but 2 hours later, this in ridiculous. Adnul health pool is significantly larger, coupled with hes ability to spam his special multiple times per game while the player can only use theirs once? This makes the entire game winnable by nothing more the mere chance rather then strategy. This seriously needs to be reevaluated.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: BladeNinja.4671


Ok ill give away what i did after i got tired of dealing with spam move 51 losses later. I used a rejuv booster not the norishment, (nerfed will be removed when game starts) have some healing power on your char then have a friend spam talk him right when he drinks. If you are at least good at the game enough not to drain your health drinking, you’ll be able to keep your health up and beat him.
Only drink water if the rejuv booster isnt gonna max your health back. And make sure the person that needs to win starts the instant so you both are there I for one definitly agree he need reevaluation. But i tried this trick with 3 guild memebers and it has worked for them as well

Aura Slicer X Thief. Pvp svr 007 Oh wait! i’m not suppose to tell you that!

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Spennyworth.9834


I too have spent a few hours on this and do not believe it is possible with anything other than luck. The only people I know who have done it, used the bug before it was fixed or have simply been lucky.

The whole thing has been fun until this point. Please take a look at this Arenanet

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Serval.6458


My strat was: Select ‘Boast’ as your sig. move and start the match out bluffing and healing until he starts critiquing and then it’s just bluff whenever you can, belch and heal when he’s critiquing (probably in that order, as he likes to belch when you do and the heal will count towards recharging belch) and then drink once (if you have lots of health when this phase starts you might want to save the boast for later, if not use it now.) Then just bluff between critiques and continue as mentioned, if he doesn’t spam it back-to-back too often or get lucky with his belches then you can win.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Solar Brink.1490

Solar Brink.1490

This guy is completely unbalanced, he never bluffs but his HP is huge and he heals 2-3 drinks worth of damage with 1 water can prevent you bluffing for 3 turns and then either punishs your bluffs or worse he punishes your water
I cant see a timing with his water, if I could this would be doable without insane luck
Anet loves its RNG

(edited by Solar Brink.1490)

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Apocallur.4395


Okey, can someone of Anet talk to us? Anet defended that the game isn’t a grinding, I was expecting a strategy play with this mini-game, but you guys put a pointless luck variable at this NPC.

CAN WE GET AN ANSWER? This NPC is bugged? someone is going to correct it?

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

Adnul is worse than a grinding game. With a grinding game, you at least have a sense of progress.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: kerona.3465


I beat him less than 3 hours ago. Doable, but hard. Took me a few tries.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: mompen.7952


I just beat him as well. I don’t know if it was only luck or what, but I got very happy when I defeated him, lol.

First off, choose the elite skill: Boast.

I faked all the time until his boost (elite) came up, (dont fake while his boost is up, you take more damage. either drink water, belch or actually drink). as soon as his boost is down, you can start faking again. And I know, sometimes he sees the fake too often… Anyway, when you are low on health and you have to drink (water and belch on cooldown), activate Boast, and drink as many drinks you need until either water or belch is up again. This way you only take aprox. 1000 dmg instead of 2000 pr. drink.

With a bit of luck and good timing, I finally beated that wiseass!

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Ayuchii.3674


a bit more of luck . The fact that this huge amount of luck guverns this chalange is iritating . I have a better chance breaking 5 rares for 3 ectoplasm each ..

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: virus.7581


They’ve fixed the pie but they don’t fix the kittenG NPC WTF!?! What’s is wrong with you anet? I understand you want to make him ’hard" but seriously … 5hours to duel this kittenty adnul and still unbeatable. it spam his elite every times… Can you duel him again, his elite still active.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Lilo.5093


adnul irongut is incredible difficult, regains health not worth the effort if achievement hunting, this is an upset. Please fix


Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Lilo.5093


Adnul Irongut spamed the move “Critique” 3 times in a row 1 round with me

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Gedrick.6814


I kept failing for over an hour, then I used a Rejuv Booster (the ones you can buy from the gems market) and won the first time I tried. Easy.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: virus.7581


You can’t purchase rejuv booster… You can get it only with black lion chest.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Gedrick.6814


I meant the type of booster, but yes, I had a bunch in my bank.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: xJESSx.9357


The rejuvenation booster just worked for me, it did take 40 minutes of non-stop matches to win though out a 60 minute booster. Without the booster I probably put in 2.5 – 3 hours of losing matches to Irongut.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: oveone.6871


I finally completed it thanks to a bit of luck and the rejuvenation booster. I think a lot of it is about timing bluffs exactly right.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: monkie.1576


I tried for 3 hours normally and then did it in 15 mins with rejuvenation! Can confirm this seems to be the easiest way to get it.

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: BladeNinja.4671


I’m glad a lot of you are getting the achievement despite having to beat around the bush with the booster :0 Never doing that game again unless its with a friend of course lol.

Aura Slicer X Thief. Pvp svr 007 Oh wait! i’m not suppose to tell you that!

Adnul Irongut

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Posted by: Halo.8976


F you, anet.
