Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Advanced Logistics under Pact Commander is causing me to crash when it activates.

—> Crash <—
Assertion: parentModel
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3448
BaseAddr: 00320000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54533
When: 2015-10-24T16:27:50Z 2015-10-24T11:27:50-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:02:34
Flags: 0

Happens every single time there’s something to loot.

Manual Work Around: Disable Auto Loot – Quick Interact seems to fix it temporary but gotta say pretty disappointing to get to Pact Commander 5 and it doesn’t work!

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khazik.8052


thanks for this, crashed 5 times during a Teq event, missed the main chest at the end. Consulted google and here I found you.

I did just get Pact Commander 5 last night and went to bed, so this all makes sense.

“No valid path to target” – Thief life (Dragonbrand)

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Yea just to confirm it is still crashing

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hyrkul.9308


—> Crash <—
Assertion: parentModel
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3448
BaseAddr: 00320000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54533
When: 2015-10-26 T 20:24:51Z 2015-10-26 T21:27:50-06:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:02:34
Flags: 0

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Still here after 8/25 patch:

—> Crash <—
Assertion: parentModel
File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6952
BaseAddr: 00FC0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54566
When: 2015-10-25T23:24:23Z 2015-10-25T18:24:23-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:20:50
Flags: 0

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


Same problem (didn’t see this thread before I made mine T-T)

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: parentModel
    File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 7036
    Cmdline: -maploadinfo
    BaseAddr: 01300000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54566
    When: 2015-10-26T03:10:16Z 2015-10-25T22:10:16-05:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:00:44
    Flags: 0

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soupinator.6970


Just unlocked the mastery today, crashes 100% of the time when it activates. I don’t understand how this made it through testing.

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sarjke.6039


Will this be fixed? Why adding new feature that is not working and causing a 100% crash?

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bzng.5627


Still there (On Taidha Convington fight):

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: parentModel
    File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 3388
    BaseAddr: 01370000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54566
    When: 2015-10-26T15:07:48Z 2015-10-26T16:07:48+01:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:02:32
    Flags: 0

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Olli.9028


Even turned it off now in options an still crash but only since 2 hours before it was working correctly turned on

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: parentModel
    File: ..\..\..\Game\AgentView\AvCharEffect.cpp(2046)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 6596
    Cmdline: -maploadinfo
    BaseAddr: 01330000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54566
    When: 2015-10-26T20:07:55Z 2015-10-26T21:07:55+01:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:09:13
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Name: OLIVERS-PC
    Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 2880MB/ 8175MB 35%
    Paged: 5040MB/12175MB 41%
    Virtual: 1773MB/ 4095MB 43%
    Load: 64%
    CommitTotal: 7134MB
    CommitLimit: 12175MB
    CommitPeak: 9792MB
    SystemCache: 2957MB
    HandleCount: 41346
    ProcessCount: 92
    ThreadCount: 1351
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 2061MB
    WorkingSet: 1840MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 1864MB
    PageFaults: 1701799
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Root 813.71 986319
    VRAM 774.03 16314
    Art Assets 379.65 11596
    Programmer Data 328.50 346278
    Anim Import Packfile 216.69 746
    Anim Import Models 216.69 746
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 146.71 20
    VRAM – Prop Tex 138.80 944
    Game 136.25 111747
    Engine 115.31 181545
    VRAM – Character Geo 110.87 414
    Content 96.49 37301
    VRAM – Composite Tex 90.62 95
    VRAM – Effect Geo 88.10 448
    Character Models 78.90 1402
    Uncategorized 77.23 610551
    Gr 73.49 110028
    Map Assets 63.06 7521
    Composite Models 58.38 923
    Prop Models 54.10 2411
    Collections 53.51 7432
    Prop Packfile 52.72 715
    Dictionary 51.62 1555
    Composite Tex 31.17 66
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Anim Import Packfile 216.69 746
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 146.71 20
    VRAM – Prop Tex 138.80 944
    VRAM – Character Geo 110.87 414
    Content 96.49 37301
    VRAM – Composite Tex 90.62 95
    VRAM – Effect Geo 88.10 448
    Uncategorized 77.23 610551
    Prop Packfile 52.72 715
    Dictionary 51.62 1555
    Gr 40.70 3305
    Composite Tex Pool 31.17 66
    VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
    Text 27.85 3953
    Composite Packfile 27.15 762
    Character Packfile 20.26 157
    Effect Packfile 17.64 258
    VRAM – Gr Img 17.52 8
    VRAM – UI Textures 17.44 392
    VRAM – Terrain Tex 16.29 56
    VRAM – DDI Shader 16.04 11885
    VRAM – Terrain PgdImg 15.00 60
    VRAM – Gr Geometry 14.81 224
    Collide 13.02 2256
  • Game Context <—*
    MapId: 73
    Flags: 0×241
    ElapsedTime: 00:09:02
  • World State <—*
    <WorldState BufferCapacity="54915072" BufferUsed="34663642" DrawCalls="941" Fps="75" EffectLights="0" Lights="26" Materials="484" Particles="5124" Submodels="1160" TextureLoadsPending="2" TextureMemory="1239449698" Triangles="260321" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="304478332" CameraPos="11947.5, -6587.48, -1402.89" CameraFwd="0.697177, 0.588275, 0.409728" MapName="wZY+N.OtzV6" MapNamespace="GCdiO" MapSector="IJwR+.JWJmj" MapType="Public" MapFloor="1" MapId="73" MapGuid="7F60F7F1-E6F9-489E-B904-ED323DB1EFBE" MapTimeOfDay="0.000000" PlayerFacing="0.680838, 0.719586, -0.136584" PlayerPos="12364.5, -6232.98, -1003.76" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.9200.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×19b8 <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:0217ac0d Fr:064ff91c Rt:0215c480 Arg:427c5b38 427c59d0 04bf0e7c 064ff950
    Pc:0215c480 Fr:064ff930 Rt:01908952 Arg:4b066850 00000000 10d1d56a 4b066890
    Pc:01908952 Fr:064ff950 Rt:01908ed1 Arg:01a241d0 064ff970 4b066890 4b066850
    Pc:01908ed1 Fr:064ff968 Rt:01909633 Arg:4b066850 064ffb60 2e7e3010 54c0579f
    Pc:01909633 Fr:064ff984 Rt:020c4797 Arg:064ff9e0 064ffb44 2e7e3010 02adb6dc
    Pc:020c4797 Fr:064ff9d4 Rt:020c507c Arg:064ffb60 01460114 021e13f1 080047c3
    Pc:020c507c Fr:064ffb28 Rt:0192b6f7 Arg:04fbd048 00000118 00000000 064ffb60
    Pc:0192b6f7 Fr:064ffb70 Rt:0192b8bb Arg:064ffb9c 0192fac3 00000118 04fbd048
    Pc:0192b8bb Fr:064ffb78 Rt:0192fac3 Arg:00000118 04fbd048 453fe130 06c3aa18
    Pc:0192fac3 Fr:064ffb9c Rt:017ec15b Arg:00000023 04d86810 04fbd038 00000002
    Pc:017ec15b Fr:064ffc3c Rt:017ea69f Arg:04d86810 00000002 00000023 00000128
    Pc:017ea69f Fr:064ffc88 Rt:017ea767 Arg:00000128 04fbd038 00000006 00000000
    Pc:017ea767 Fr:064ffcdc Rt:017ea05d Arg:00561a28 00000001 1be3d5d0 20bee0db
    Pc:017ea05d Fr:064ffd40 Rt:017eb352 Arg:00d2eab8 01d1102a cc7c4382 00000001
    Pc:017eb352 Fr:064ffd80 Rt:017e9921 Arg:04bf2d30 00561a28 0163ef58 00000000
    Pc:017e9921 Fr:064ffda0 Rt:017903e0 Arg:04bf2d30 cc7c43da 00000000 00561a28
    Pc:017903e0 Fr:064ffdd8 Rt:01790508 Arg:00000000 064ffdf0 761a86e3 00561a28
    Pc:01790508 Fr:064ffde4 Rt:761a86e3 Arg:00561a28 064ffe34 77efbd79 00561a28
    Pc:761a86e3 Fr:064ffdf0 Rt:77efbd79 Arg:00561a28 b9eecb46 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77efbd79 Fr:064ffe34 Rt:77efbd4c Arg:0179048c 00561a28 ffffffff 77f721af
    Pc:77efbd4c Fr:064ffe4c Rt:00000000 Arg:0179048c 00561a28 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=064ff4c8 ebx=740b11d0 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=761a54f2 edi=00000000
    eip=0217ac0d esp=064ff8f0 ebp=064ff91c
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246

eax-32 064FF4A8 00000030 761a54f2 00000000 064ff524
eax-16 064FF4B8 77b701c2 064ff524 77b70192 064ff4c8
eax 0 064FF4C8 80000003 00000000 00000000 77b70192
16 064FF4D8 00000002 00000002 79c19a30 00000030
eax+32 064FF4E8 064ff550 01642706 04eb5148 0163d963
eax+48 064FF4F8 2b3f3290 00000001 0163d972 529af180
ebx-32 740B11B0 740b1110 740b1070 740b1160 740b10c0
ebx-16 740B11C0 00000000 00000000 4a637575 00000000
ebx 0 740B11D0 02610ca4 00000001 00000000 00000000
16 740B11E0 739b44b0 739b4410 00000015 00000008
ebx+32 740B11F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000040
ebx+48 740B1200 00000001 6aadf2f0 00000004 00000000
esi-32 761A54D0 8b55ff8b 25ff5dec 762007dc cccccccc
esi-16 761A54E0 55ff8bcc ff5dec8b 200b2425 cccccc76
esi 0 761A54F0 ff8bcccc 5dec8b55 02d025ff cccc7620
16 761A5500 8bcccccc ec8b55ff b825ff5d cc762006
esi+32 761A5510 cccccccc 8b55ff8b 25ff5dec 76200924
esi+48 761A5520 cccccccc 55ff8bcc ff5dec8b 20092825

  • Code <—*
    0217ABED 8b40feff ff565752 ff507883 7de80075 .@…VWR.Px.}..u
    0217ABFD 1468fe07 0000ba10 0d6102b9 900d6102 .h…….a….a.
    0217AC0D e86ec04c ffc745ec 0516cec8 c745f057 .n.L..E……E.W
    0217AC1D eb734dc7 45f4aca3 d83dc745 f83b443e .sM.E….=.E.;D>
    0217AC2D 56f30f6f 45ecf30f 7f45ece8 63facaff V..oE….E..c…
    0217AC3D 8d4dec51 8bc88b10 ff52348b f885ff74 .M.Q…..R4….t
  • Stack <—*
    064FF8F0 0217ac12 000007fe 740b103c 000016fd ……..<..t….
    064FF900 04bf0e7c 00000000 e9be3156 44a0f1d0 |…….V1…..D
    064FF910 21e57ba2 e55594d5 cc7c471e 064ff930 .{.!..U..G|.0.O.
    064FF920 0215c480 427c5b38 427c59d0 04bf0e7c ….8[|B.Y|B|…
    064FF930 064ff950 01908952 4b066850 00000000 P.O.R…Ph.K….
    064FF940 10d1d56a 4b066890 2e7e305c 4c397bc4 j….h.K\0~..{9L
    064FF950 064ff968 01908ed1 01a241d0 064ff970 h.O……A..p.O.
    064FF960 4b066890 4b066850 064ff984 01909633 .h.KPh.K..O.3…
    064FF970 4b066850 064ffb60 2e7e3010 54c0579f Ph.K`.O..0~..W.T
    064FF980 000001e3 064ff9d4 020c4797 064ff9e0 ……O..G….O.
    064FF990 064ffb44 2e7e3010 02adb6dc 020c6c67 D.O..0~…
    064FF9A0 00000146 064ffb44 2e7e3010 00000000 F…D.O..0~…..
    064FF9B0 4b074556 4b07454d 1793d810 00000146 VE.KME.K….F…
    064FF9C0 ffffffff 4b074552 00000000 10d1d56a ….RE.K….j…
    064FF9D0 064ffb04 064ffb28 020c507c 064ffb60 ..O.(.O.|P..`.O.
    064FF9E0 01460114 021e13f1 080047c3 0008c221 ..F……G..!…
    064FF9F0 6f0fd601 3f6a0040 6aaa465c 0d7cc576 …o@.j?\F.jv.|.
    064FFA00 1e00c2bf 00479902 01d90001 bf291053 ……G…..S.).
    064FFA10 bd775388 4022352d 1ef20024 2d8201f9 .Sw.-5"@$……-
    064FFA20 b805cd00 8d28e000 1a453fbc fb172600 ……(..?E..&..
    064FFA30 a93110bd 040cc2f7 03022563 d2ac7401 ..1…..c%…t..
    064FFA40 eeb7d543 3d2a64c2 c1004c40 3b480000 C….d*=L....H; 064FFA50 3c7a0000 3d6a4700 00a00012 0040fe81 ..z<.Gj=.......
    064FFA60 1d001a64 33003b0e 3bc39ecd d82db500 d….;.3…;..-.
    064FFA70 0e4243de 0b57c301 06003bb1 05f20002 .CB…W..;……
    064FFA80 3e50a602 0b590000 176424c7 fb0b4600 ..P>..Y..$d..F..
    064FFA90 1a7210bd 10ff0008 c39fb631 21630d0c ..r…..1…..c!
    064FFAA0 000032de 142f0005 01010000 43c9484d .2…./…..MH.C
    064FFAB0 c2f08672 4c44a7ce 20f20000 bd1b313c r…..DL… <1..
    064FFAC0 01af0000 028bfffd 142f0044 1010bdfb ……..D./…..
    064FFAD0 0cc3b1fb 26f02206 aa003f76 01819c02 …..".&v?……
    064FFAE0 b500c629 01819c18 09ca6000 cc01a000 )……..`……
    064FFAF0 0003e302 03e302c6 04fbd038 064ffb60 ……..8…`.O.
    064FFB00 064ffbb0 00000010 064ffb24 77ef61fd ..O…..$.O..a.w
    064FFB10 762710c0 00000000 00000000 027f55c8 ..’v………U..
    064FFB20 10855910 cc7c452a 064ffb70 0192b6f7 .Y..*E|.p.O…..
    064FFB30 04fbd048 00000118 00000000 064ffb60 H………..`.O.
    064FFB40 0192b870 027f5460 00000114 064ffb68 p…`T……h.O.
    064FFB50 016718fe 00000114 10855910 00000000 ..g……Y……
    064FFB60 00000000 00000000 064ffb84 064ffb98 ……….O…O.
    064FFB70 064ffb78 0192b8bb 064ffb9c 0192fac3 x.O…….O…..
    064FFB80 00000118 04fbd048 453fe130 06c3aa18 ….H…0.?E….
    064FFB90 00000000 00000005 453fe110 064ffc3c ……….?E<.O.
    064FFBA0 017ec15b 00000023 04d86810 04fbd038 [.~.#….h..8…
    064FFBB0 00000002 00000023 00000128 064ffbd4 ….#…(…..O.
    064FFBC0 064ffbdc 00000000 00000023 04fbd038 ..O…..#…8…
    064FFBD0 0000000c 00000000 00000001 00000000 …………….
    064FFBE0 04d86a64 00000001 04d86810 017ec1b2 dj…….h….~.
    064FFBF0 06c3aa24 04ea2100 00000010 064ffc14 $….!……..O.
    064FFC00 064ffc1c 04d86c58 00000001 064ffd2c ..O.Xl……,.O.
    064FFC10 3c76111d 00000000 00000064 00000000 ..v<….d…….
    064FFC20 04d86844 00000001 02f4c060 0fa00000 Dh……`…….
    064FFC30 04d86848 04d8683d cc7c423e 064ffc88 Hh..=h..>B|…O.
    064FFC40 017ea69f 04d86810 00000002 00000023 ..~..h……#…
    064FFC50 00000128 04fbd038 00000000 04d86810 (…8……..h..
    064FFC60 00000000 00000000 04d86810 00000023 ………h..#…
    064FFC70 00000000 017ecf5d 00005212 017ecf78 ….].~..R..×.~.
    064FFC80 04d86810 cc7c428a 064ffcdc 017ea767 .h…B|…O.g.~.
    064FFC90 00000128 04fbd038 00000006 00000000 (…8………..
    064FFCA0 00000001 04d86810 1be3d5d0 00000001 …..h……….
    064FFCB0 04d86b58 00000000 04fbd010 04fbd010 Xk…………..
    064FFCC0 00000001 04d86b60 04d86b4d 00000023 ….`k..Mk..#…
    064FFCD0 00000128 00000001 00000006 064ffd40 (………..@.O.
    064FFCE0 017ea05d 00561a28 00000001 1be3d5d0 ].~.(.V………
  • Error Logs <—*
    Couldn’t find missile launch point for gadget ‘0×11087’.
    Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Invalid dynaset (of type 2) bounds (world space=true)
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1460506899494608418’
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1460506938149314080’
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1460506573077093928’
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
    Texture missing mip chain: 0×00e689
    Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×1401
    Version = 10.18.0013.5850
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
    Compat = 0×00100000
    VidMem = 2048 MB
Stab Eins [aX] Axîom
professional WvW rallybotting since 2013

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soupinator.6970


I just worked out the problem with a guild member who hasn’t experienced any crashes. They are caused by having an invisible inventory bag equipped. Remove it and the crashes stop. Hopefully they fix it soon though, it would be nice to be able to keep using the invisible bags.

Advanced Logistics - Crashing Client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I’ll test your theory and see if it works to prevent crashing on my alt here as he doesn’t have much in his invisible bag nor any kind of other specialty bag. Hopefully they roll out a fix soon now that they are aware of it.

Kodiak X – Blackgate