Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I’ve been jumping like a moron and clearly jumped over numerous shockwaves now, but it just will not register for the achievement.

I’m stuck at 2/5 and have so far wasted over 3 hours to try and get it to complete! Please check to make sure that this achievement is working as intended and that the registrating area is big enough.

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Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Bigoak.3270


Confirmed. A load of us jumping for a while and no-one gets more than 1/5 or 2/5.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: curtegg.5216


This is what you call a moron achievement. They should have the wave come all around the worm like the zerker boss in molten facility. But noooooooo, it is a cone type ground attack that doesn’t even look like a wave.

I have cleared several waves but only one counted. This achievement is bugged. Fix it to be a true wave and count all around the worm. What a waste of time.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Sefirei.4712


Was able to get the achievement. Sometimes didn’t register but might have been because it was heading towards person next to me.

Only seemed to count when heading straight at me and I jumped straight up.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Arthalion.7316


Can’t get a single one to count. Been doing it for hours. Nothing.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I have the answer to your problems people. It’s based on whether or not you yourself are targeted when you’re jumping. For example, if there are 6 people in an AoE, you must be one of those 5 targeted when you jump for it to count. That’s what the problem is for this achievement. And with the large amount of people doing this, it’s at least a 1 in 50 chance of you getting credit.

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Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Noah.4756


I have the answer to your problems people. It’s based on whether or not you yourself are targeted when you’re jumping. For example, if there are 6 people in an AoE, you must be one of those 5 targeted when you jump for it to count. That’s what the problem is for this achievement. And with the large amount of people doing this, it’s at least a 1 in 50 chance of you getting credit.

Ah, I was already wondering what I was doing wrong. Surely this shouldn’t be intended. Hopefully this get’s fixed soon because lots of people will waste their time jumping for nothing.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: RVONW.4965


A very frustrating and time consuming achievement to get. Like suggested by other posters in this thread, i really recommend making the wave a “water drop effect” around the champion wurm rather than cones.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Cerberus.4315


3 problems with this rubbish achievement.

1# The achievement has 2 stages – You have people who need to kill the worm for the 1st part of the achievement and then the people who need the jumping part of the achievement.

2# The targeting system the worm has is complete rubbish if there are lots of people at the event.

3# The event timer is to long for something that involves so much luck.

Not very happy about this achievement at all, I’ve done this event over 40 times now and only have 4/5. If the developers that developed this event wanted to have people raging at each other, well great you guys did a fantastic job, because all I see in map and local chat is players shouting and abusing each other, this can only be put down to the frustration of having to repeat something over and over again.

SERIUOSLY, think about the events you make and there affect on the community.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Siralus.4921


SERIUOSLY, think about the events you make and there affect on the community.

I can’t agree enough.
This achievement, exclusively, is responsible for some of the worst flaming I’ve ever seen in my years of online gaming. The design of the achievement makes it so that different players have contradictory goals, making it possible for the selfish, unaware, or impatient to utterly ruin other’s peoples moods. And they do so, frequently. The only recourse others have is to explain or otherwise get angry with these people.

And then, even when everything is set up perfectly, with people cooperatively stacking in an attempt to organize shockwaves to fire at as many as people possible – people are not getting achievement credit, and they don’t know why. Googling the issue is ineffective, as you get contradictory information about how the achievement works, so we’re left guessing and in the mean time, feel like we’re being rewarded or punished arbitrarily for jumping, whilst hoping other people don’t spoil our ‘hard’ work in jumping in place by trying to do an achievement of their own.

This is incredibly frustrating and dissatisfying.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


I’ve jumped over 10+ shockwaves, got credit for 2 in total. Killing cocoons on the spider also seemed very hit and miss.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

In support of the OP: I don’t know if it’s bugged or not, but it seems unpredictable. At best, it’s just incredibly tedious to try to get the achievement. It does not seem to be working as designed.

As a work-around for others: We don’t need to complete this achievement to max out the meta: there are several weeks of Wintersday and we just need to do a few dailies to make up for it.

General note: the spider queen and worm achievement create a terrible atmosphere among the player base:

  • Everyone wanting to kill the event targets (for various achievements) wants to kill them fast and move onto something else.
  • Everyone wanting to get the non-target achievements (clearing cocoons and jumping waves) wants to avoid killing the targets for as long as possible. The queen is, at least, typically a champion. But the wurm seems to end up being a veteran who doesn’t survive long.

People are already starting to make snide remarks at each other. (In contrast, the artificer event separates into two events: the destruction of toxifiers from the killing of the champion. This seems to work better for everyone.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: smackphat.2917


Confirmed. This is pretty silly.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: dennie.9237


Same here… I think anet must remove this achievement or totally rework it.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: shadow.6174


If the developers that developed this event wanted to have people raging at each other, well great you guys did a fantastic job, because all I see in map and local chat is players shouting and abusing each other, this can only be put down to the frustration of having to repeat something over and over again.

The design of the achievement makes it so that different players have contradictory goals, making it possible for the selfish, unaware, or impatient to utterly ruin other’s peoples moods. And they do so, frequently. The only recourse others have is to explain or otherwise get angry with these people.

This is incredibly frustrating and dissatisfying.

General note: the spider queen and worm achievement create a terrible atmosphere among the player base:

  • Everyone wanting to kill the event targets (for various achievements) wants to kill them fast and move onto something else.
  • Everyone wanting to get the non-target achievements (clearing cocoons and jumping waves) wants to avoid killing the targets for as long as possible. The queen is, at least, typically a champion. But the wurm seems to end up being a veteran who doesn’t survive long.

People are already starting to make snide remarks at each other.

Yes, I can’t even count how many times I got angry reading sarcastic and rude posts on map chat because this achievement. I must admit I had even reported some for verbal abuse as their words were unneeded (although it’s understandable due the frustration caused but not a reason for it). In about 10 mins I had seen about 3 or 4 people cursing and offending others because they didn’t do what they expected.

Two different objectives on the same target is conflicting and frustrating if both requires a group to work together. Remove one of the objectives or move it to another target or time and things will be eased. A friend of mine (and myself too) even gave it up for a while as things were very heated up on map chat because that event. Too many people annoyed and frustrated there. >.< I just wasn’t being able to tolerate s*** behavior anymore.

In fact, I’m not even sure if I’m even going to give it a try…

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This was addressed in today’s (Wednesday’s) patch.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


The waves are still quite spread out. I think I had all of one head towards me during an event. Still stuck at 1/5…

Would have been much smarter to make it a circular wave like the molten bosses.

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Bigoak.3270


Still stuck at 2/5 after having jumped a few cones. I feel like playing House of Pain at this event, in both senses.

Edit: ok, it seems to be much easier when there’s only a few of you there.

(edited by Bigoak.3270)

Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper bugged!!

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The worm seems to target groups of players, so stacking (as people ask us to do in /map chat) seems effective. I prefer stacking at range so you can see it coming and jump appropriately, but standing near the worm is where players seem to group — for that, you can just jump randomly. Most people near me got 5-8 evades following that method.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”