Aggro needs to change BAD!

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


Aggro in this game needs to be fixed desperatly. Common cases of bad aggro—

Case 1: Player A is standing under a waypoint AFKing thinking the Waypoint vicinity is safe. Player B is off in this distance running past mobs and collecting them but avoiding to kill to waste time to destination. Player A still AFKing under Waypoint and maybe drooling a little from “not being there” (If you know what I mean). Player B now passes by Player A and the group of monsters is still following. When monsters reach Player A, now instead of chasing who aggroed them, they now are punching, stabbing, and burning the empty Player A. Player A now dies and gains damage to armor, and now monsters run back to their respawn area while Player B continues on his/her way without fear of monsters chasing him/her.

Case 2: Player A is in a cave collecting, disableing, and moving objects for a quest. Player B is near Player A and is doing the same thing. Monster spawns behind Player A but is not in a good range to gain ‘aggro’ and Player A is busy shoving his hand in a cookie jar to care that a monster spawned behind him. Player B gets itchy to kill the monster and throws a couple arrows/magic spells/slashes at the monster. Monster finds Player A’s hand in the cookie jar a threat and instead of attacking Player B who is doing damage on him…he decides to go attack the harmless Player A now eating a cookie. Player B is dishing out large amounts of damage and the monster is now almost dead but he monster still insists on hitting Player A who is now choking on the cookie.

Case 3 (Rare Case): Player A is running past Player B who is killing the monster. Player A decides to be a rude noob and run in between Player B and the monster. The monster feels offended and now directs his attention to Player A and chases him down. Player B is standing there confused wondering where the hell his monster went. Player B turns camera and sees Player A being smacked and thrown around by monster and now dies. Monster goes back to respawn point and resets.

Case 4 (Thanks Aurorablue.5163): Player attacks monster and hopes to get some really nice loot from this monster. Monster decides to run away from Player and starts to slowly gain health back. Player thinks the monster is resetting and turns his/her intrest to another monster. All of a sudden monster runs back to player, with a greater distance away than before, and is now attacking the Player who now has two monsters on him. Player is so confused he now dies from not knowing there are two on him.

Not Related to Thread Topic: I would also like to add that it is beyond annoying how I could spend so much effort and time on a skill challange monster or veteran monster and almost killing it and all of a sudden people come up out of no where and finish the last 4% health on the mob and receives the skill point or expereince and loot. They run off and I am sitting herekitten off because I just did all this hard work and they run off happy and joyus about spending 2 seconds on the mob and getting credit for it.

(edited by bbanfillov.9308)

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


P.S. herekitten is suppose to be a cuss word but apperently Anet improvises with lovely cute words. Also….yes I hate Player A, that is why he gets all the beatings.

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Nah, it’s fine the way it is. We have no world pvp really so if you find someone afk, just lure some mobs to get em killed. :p

Being sarcastic, it is pretty ridiculous that someone can just drag mobs by you and then you come back to being dead. Waypoints should give some sort of invulnerability/unable to attack or be attacked buff.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Aggro needs to change BAD!

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Posted by: Aurorablue.5163


I’ve had aggro problems when fighting monsters underwater and their health is going down and they are hitting me as well and all of a sudden invulnerable text appears over the monster and I can no longer hit it and then it’s health resets and it move backs so I move away then it comes chase after me and repeat the scenario a few times.

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bbanfillov.9308


Lol Arsenic…I spend about 4 uncessacary silver everyday from people dragging monsters over to me and they run off happy I have to blow my money

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


This is also a big issue with the “train troops” hearts in some areas, in the one pact camp just before you leave for fort trinity (forget the zone name) there are the troops that people can fight for the heart but they are directly on top of the merchant.

Such a pain in thekitten trying to sell junk and whatnot when someone keeps activating the troops and instead of fighting the person activating them they go after you while trying to sell stuff, but you have to stop and fight the soldier so you don’t die. When you finally defeat said soldier and go back to trying to sell stuff it happens yet again.

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shifted.6912


Case 4 = pulled the mob too far, dots (conditions) still on him. mob goes back to spawn point, dot ticks, mob attacks again. Trust me, I’m a shortbow ranger.
Case 3 = the mob won’t reset if player B keeps attacking
Case 2 & 1 = It’s never safe, even large outposts can be attacked due to DE’s

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Damastes.5064


Extra case: Underwater mob decides to evade everything and regen all health while still beating on player (I found this particularly an issue in Malgor’s Leap)

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalea.9167


I know people may flame me for this but … it doesn’t necessarily need to change, people need to learn to play with it being the way it is. It’s a different game.

1) If you need to go afk, having learned this the hard way — don’t just afk and wander off. Log out to the character select screen, it’s safe. You can’t die from there. If you are working on a monthly achievement and cannot do this, then go to Lion’s Arch or a city capital. It’s annoying, but one day a month that you will be working on your monthly ‘not dying 100k.’

2) If someone kites mobs over you intending to kill you, report them for griefing. Plain and simple. If they do it out of griefing or any such similar reason, report them for harassment.

3) If mobs are just in your area, be conscientious about it. The world is dangerous, and I say this as someone who is always using AOE even on single targets when it seems ‘safe.’ If it doesn’t seem ‘safe,’ then don’t AOE, and for me this is impossible, because pets like to swipe and such. If there are two mobs in front of me, 100% of the time I’m going to aggro both because I am ranged. Oh well, I kill them both, and I kill them both in the same time more or less. Twice the chance for loot.

I’m just not one of those ‘hurry up and get from point A to point B’ people. I kill things in my path and gosh, I don’t tend to die that way.

4) If things are spawning madly around you and others, then that is either working as intended in a harder area, and is ‘harder,’ and supposed to be that way possibly; or might actually be a bad design issue. But trust me — I’ve found plenty of bad places to stand in this game.

Just don’t stand on spawn spots — and do get good at running away when it is appropriate and needed.

5) In those few instances, be a good citizen and if you train mobs on someone else just go back and help them. It takes a few seconds.

6) Invulnerable mobs. If they gain a temporary invulnerability, it could be they have an ability or it is a line of sight issue. It IS annoying, but it is usually just a matter of a few moments to kill them through this. If this is a bug, yeah it’d be great to fix it.

7) Mobs running away. I’ve seen elsewhere that they do this sometimes. Like Moas. Maybe they don’t like dying either. If you get too far from their spawn point sometime they do run back. But if you run back and forth to their spawn point and come in and out of range before their hate table clears, they remember you. Don’t just leave mobs half dead. Chase them down and kill them, finish them off before aggro’ing another target.

A lot of the things mentioned are just not being cautious in the world and expecting mechanics to behave as they do in other games. It’s not another game, and it’s frankly really nice that it itsn’t.

(edited by Kalea.9167)

Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


how do i +1 ^ ?

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Aggro needs to change BAD!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Click the +1 near the top right of the post :p