Almost no dynamic events in the entire PvE world
people so easily forget WoW’s garbage launch. GW2 is running way better comparativly
people so easily forget WoW’s garbage launch. GW2 is running way better comparativly
I did not play WoW… but your argument is absolutely irrelevant. They promised us “When it’s ready” …it is obviously not and I see that every day it is just worse and worse, because they don’t do daily restarts, so everything is stuck and dead.
The way I see it is even if tonight’s patch doesn’t fix much at least we get a reset. So at least the world should be playable for a few days until all the DE’s again collapse into a state of “disrepair”.
ok let me rephrase then, every mmo ever to come out has piles of bugs on launch. people get really fiesty about it and they either they get fixed or they dont. how well anet responds to bugs is the mark of if its a good company or not. they can only fix so many things at a time. obviously they have some work to do tho
I did not play WoW… but your argument is absolutely irrelevant. They promised us “When it’s ready” …it is obviously not and I see that every day it is just worse and worse, because they don’t do daily restarts, so everything is stuck and dead.
Absolutely, I couldn’t agree with you more! At least they must be fix events!
I did not play WoW… but your argument is absolutely irrelevant. They promised us “When it’s ready” …it is obviously not and I see that every day it is just worse and worse, because they don’t do daily restarts, so everything is stuck and dead.
That argument is completely relevant. Believe it or not, despite its issues GW2 has had a reasonably smooth first month, insofar as MMOs tend to go. No matter how much fine-tuning a dev does or how many beta events they hold, a live, for-real launch simply cannot be effectively simulated. “When it’s ready” simply means “when we’ve tested to the fullest extent possible.” This isn’t a promise to deliver a bug-free product. That would be silly. And due to the nature of the product, it’s entirely possible that some changes will make things worse before they get better. You either accept this and trust your investment will be justified by a company willing to make their game the best it can be, or you don’t. If the latter, why did you even spend your money?
(edited by UndeadRufus.6832)