Alpha Drake animation is not working properly
Sea of Sorrow since BWE.
Yeah it’s been like this since a few patches back (one of the patches broke it), the 1st time i was in the zone it worked fine, then a few patches later i was in it again with a new class and it just has no animation at all.
It’s like a toy being moved around, the model is always the same as per the picture and it just slides around the place and just looks weird,
Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I know this is not useful at all, but it pretty much looks like one of those inflatable toys. The way it goes around saying “mhmmm frpttt mrrrm zhrrrpt” (because of the swallowed fisherman) always makes me laugh.
Eosaph, a sylvari elementalist born of the cycle of dusk and herald of the Pale Tree.
(edited by pedrobrandao.8072)