Anet support ignoring me: 72 hours so far
If you haven’t got any response within 3 days feel free to post in this sticky thread:
Hi Paulus,
I just want to throw out a few things that come to mind that you may be able to do that may help eliminate the problem being ‘on your side of the fence’ per se. Some things mentioned might be out in left field (not probable causes), but I know stuff like this can be frustrating and you seem stuck with Support.
Disclaimer: I’m no expert, but I wanted to try and help you.
Things you can try if you have not already… (I tried to go from easiest to hardest)
1) Reset your router
2) Repair your GW2 client
3) If you’re using a lap top and a wireless connection, try using a wired connection. If you’re using a wired connection, try a different network cable and try a different port on your router.
4) Run a full virus and malware scan
5) Have you installed anything new (programs) recently? If so, perhaps they are interfering with GW2’s connectivity. Perhaps uninstall anything that you’ve installed within 2 weeks of the problem occurring could improve your situation.
6) If you have more than one PC that can handle GW2, try installing it on that PC and using it. (I know this one can be time consuming and tedious, but it could point to or rule out your normal gaming PC as the problem.)
Also, are there any other games you play having any kind of connectivity issues?
Hopefully, something I mentioned above helps you. But if it’s not a problem on your side, then at least you’ve done all you could do.
If I think of anything else, I’ll post it.
GL, man!
(edited by Krypto.2069)
You should cancel your second, new ticket; duplicate tickets just slow down response times for everyone.
They’ve taken a month before getting back to me but they do eventually