AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeCarana.1857



So, these fire Aoes from Taimi’s game. If you’re close, but not inside the red circle, you still take damage.

Maybe this is working as intended, but this is annoying. You try to navigate out of the red circle, but you still get hit.

See attachment. Clearing standing outside of fire, but still taking damage?


(edited by MeCarana.1857)

AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


It looks like you have Disable Area of Effect Rings checked in your options, if you uncheck this you will see the red ring around any area of effects abilities, and I think you’ll find yourself stood right on this line ergo taking damage.


AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeCarana.1857


No, the rings are ativated (this means the the checkbox is not checked, checking the box disables the rings). You just don’t see it because of the color. I have the rings activated – this is the whole reason why I find it bizarre that I take AoE damage when you could fit another character in the distance between me and the fire ring.

Look at this angle, the ring is circled in green. I’m clearly not even at the edge of the red ring, I’m actually pretty far.This screenshot is the screenshot just before my opening post’s screenshot, in which I take the damage.

It’s clearly spilling out.


(edited by MeCarana.1857)

AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeCarana.1857


Same screenshot, but I traced around the AoE ring.


(edited by MeCarana.1857)

AoE in "Taimi's Game" damage out of bounds?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Uhura.5163


I had the same problem as the op, even outside of the aoe i was taking damage and getting killed and it happened only on my third character. With my 2 first character, i had absolutely no problem , this part of the story was easy . With my 3rd char i was dying constantly . I do think it’s a bug.