Also – Several of the party members were disconnected multiple times.
Their Clients went down – we were all in TS together.
Also the crappy/junk Anet equipment/system keeps disconnecting party members from the instance. We love the game but this really makes me wanna quit!
I DEMAND that you atleast reward the path to the player that we were helping. The rest of us just dont wanna have to deal with that crappy dungeon path and bugs again.
The difficulty of the dungeon is understandable but the bug and disconnects are unacceptable.
We ran this for a guildie, and we are all well versed in our classes and roles. It strikes me as odd that while in this fight, we not only get it reset, but also ported to a section that I have never been ported to during this fight. The timer is on the buff we get at the beginning of the fight, not the whole fight. We had her hp to zero on more than one occassion, and still we got ported. We tried more that 10 times in the span of an hour on this part alone, the final boss to complete this.
Is this the rewards you intend to extend to hard working, dedicated players trying to help others for no other reason than to help another person? The other stuff is irrelevant, but to constantly “kitten block” is unbelievable. Lag, we can work with, disconnecting party members from the lag when all other sources have been ruled out, not so much. Please fix what is wrong first before adding in more potential shortfalls.
It’s the console you have to interact with to phase. It has a health bar. When it gets destroyed by the mobs you will get teleported and she will reset. So either you need a party to burn her down quicker (before all the mobs show up) or you have a person kite the mobs away from the console before it’s destroyed.
Blackgate WvW
Yeah, being snatched up and ported across the dungeon is extremely frustrating, but unfortunately, it’s just another challenge of Arah and definitely not a bug… Not that I’m a fan of it lol. It makes it incredibly hard for low DPS groups to accomplish unless you have one hell of a tank in the group that can kite those elite mobs, but it’s certainly not impossible and can be done. Once you have all phased, that’s when the clock starts ticking. You have a limited amount of time to DPS her down before the mobs spawn and come to attack the terminal. So, it’s just as Xinrut said above…. You either get as much power as you can, stack, and get her down as quickly as you can… or you have your best kiter run those bad boys away from that terminal until she is dead.
Yeah nobody is sure why anet made those changes, because like most dungeon changes they were made without announcing it to anybody. But I think some people (myself included) are convinced that they made this change so that people were unable to sell arah path 2 by crippling the ability to solo the last boss. Not a very good change as it hurts random groups trying to do said path, but oh well anet’s dungeon changes will continually be made without letting anybody know why or when. Again cough cough hotw path 1 troll which is a copy past of the ac troll cough
“…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
-Benjamin Franklin