Arcane outfit: bugged weapons.
Please let this get some dev attention! I really wanted to buy this outfit but I will not be doing that until/unless I see that this issue is fixed. Thanks for bringing it up, Askherion.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Just tested it on other characters of other races. Apparently only Sylvari are having this bug. The other races have perfectly fine weapons. Sylvari being targeted specifically can’t be a coincidence !
Aaand I bought this outfit mainly for my Sylvari necro. Oh well.
Sylvari being targeted specifically can’t be a coincidence !
Seriously, this concerns me much more now because there are other significant Sylvari-related armor sizing issues that have been ignored since launch despite repeated reporting.
Please don’t ignore this!
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Think it may only be sylvari males. My female sylvari doesn’t have her weapons move at all when toggling the outfit on and off. Checked with greatsword, sword, both bows, and a warhorn.
Confirmed Evon Gnashblade is racist against sylvari.
I was interested in buying this, not anymore. At least not until this issue is fixed.
I’m bumping this and I’m not ashamed.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
I bought this thinking it was going to get fixed a while ago. Still looking forward to an acknowledgment of the issue. Most of my characters are male sylvari and I really look forward to enjoying this skin.
Bumping again because this hasn’t been addressed or acknowledged. I did buy it because I really like it and I decided to trust that of course it would be taken care of quickly, because it is very clearly and comically buggy. I guess I’ll be writing support for a refund soon.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Bumping without shame! Please Halp us!!
Was Fixed on 2/10/2015 with the Goat Year update… HURRAY! The only thing in the update that got me excited!!