Armor clips with body?

Armor clips with body?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SaraFjellskoge.4168


I was very excited to finally do the story mission to get a commando’s coat, and then equally disappointed to find that it clips with my character’s body. Did anet really make armor that clips this badly? Or do I need to update my graphics drivers or something? I’m so tired of clipping! The one Norn cultural armor I really like clips horribly with long hair, and now this clips with my character’s stomach? Ugh. I was so happy to have finally found an armor piece I like in the endless parade of coats, but the clipping issue makes it too irritating to wear. I was already disappointed by the homogeneity of GW2 medium armor. Clipping on rare sets is like rubbing salt in the wound.
