Armorsmith Crafting Issue?

Armorsmith Crafting Issue?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thebat.2087


Hello everyone, not sure if I am posting in the right spot but here it goes…
Im using a guide on the internet – – to level my armorsmithing. I am sitting at 149 ish and they are saying make some Pillaging Embroidery Wool Insignias. I haven’t automatically unlocked it and I have looked up the ingredients and bought them but I cannot create them. I did look it up to see what was going on and some people suggested that at a certain level, you wont gain XP from items so they don’t show in the discovery pane anymore whilst crafting. I am not sure if that is true seeing as I could only find one topic about it anywhere, on GW2 forum. So I am not sure if this is a bug or me being stupid haha.

So any help will be much appreciated. And If I didn’t post this in the correct location, would you tell me where I should post another issue like this one on the forum.


Armorsmith Crafting Issue?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


Could be wrong but i think you get most of the insignia recipes from the crafting merchant. They can’t be discovered.

Armorsmith Crafting Issue?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Pillaging is no longer in game. The same material is now used to craft Hunter’s insignia.
For rare and above you also need to buy the recipe sheets from the master crafter.

Also might want to switch to instead since it is actually updated to include those changes.

Armorsmith Crafting Issue?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thebat.2087


ok. cool. I decided (before reading these) to look in the game at the different insignias and I saw that the name was changed. But thanks for the info. I ll make sure to use that other guide you sent me Khisanth.
Thanks again guys