Ascended Gear BUG!

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JrkSoldierX.4379


I already have and use one Celestial Sigil which i got through the Guild Commendation Trader. Today I got my second Celestial Sigil to use. When i got it, i noticed i could not use this on my Engineer which already has one equipped. I just played it off as a bug, so i double clicked it, to make it soulbound to see if i could use it then. I still can’t use it, and now i just figured out through guild chat, that you can only use one of the same ascended gear item on the same character. Nowhere in game does it say this, and now i have two Soulbounded Celestial Sigils and i can only use one at a time. Can i please get my Guild Commendations and 5 gold back to use on another ascended piece.

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dennie.9237


Item type – unique, so, you can’t use two items with same name on one character.

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Treeline.3865


Case 1: You did not read the item description, in which case there is no reason to complain.
Case 2: You read the item description, saw the word “Unique” and did not bother to figure out what it meant, in which case there is no reason to complain.

Maybe Anet could make Unique more clear for those who does not understand what it means, but that’s about that.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JrkSoldierX.4379


While i agree this is my mistake, IT IS NOT VERY CLEAR IN GAME. I thought Unique stood for special, as in i got the best gear in the game, i achieved something great. They did not give any warning what so ever. It should of said “Are you sure you want to buy this item, you can only have one equipped at a time per character.” Or something along those lines. Im sure im not the first to make this mistake, and i probably will not be the last, into they make it clear in game. Or have a sell back option for like 15 min or so. Either way i opened up a support ticket and i hope they get it resolved for me. Like I said, its my mistake, but its a very easy one to make, and I think that should be fixed. [Incident: 130722-000075] for reference.

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Hmm, it is a little bit different to the common issue that people encounter when buying two exactly same ascended rings, but as these people have been refunded by support in a few cases, you might try it there. As you already have contacted support I wish you good luck that it will be solved for you, too.

See for examples where players indeed got compensated:

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JrkSoldierX.4379


Thank you Navi for that, seems like i’m not the only one whos made this mistake after all. I just hope I have good luck with customer support on this issue like the others. As 12 Guild commendations and 5 Gold is a lot to lose on something this silly.
Cheers and thanks again

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142



You might want to keep us informed whether they could help you or not.


Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JrkSoldierX.4379


I will, this is the last email i received from support.

“Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

The support team is not able to restore currencies such as laurels or badges of honor to any player at this time. However, we might be able to provide you with an item that costs an equal amount of currency. But we need you to delete the unwanted item. Please respond with the exact date and time of the deletion of the item.

We hope to hear from you soon."

I already sent them a email back saying i deleted the item and wish to receive the Ancient Mursaat Token in exchange. Fingers crossed at this point.

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Wow, that was pretty fast and I’m glad they can help you!
I think you are just some time away from the other item!

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Maybe Anet could make Unique more clear for those who does not understand what it means, but that’s about that.

Well that’s quite an understatement. In the strictest sense we should expect that if something is ‘unique’ only one of it even exists, which clearly isn’t the case. In a lack of any information from the game to explain otherwise, of course people will fall back to other meanings of the word, not one of which suggests being able to obtain many but inexplicably wear just one.

Judging by their decision to add tutorials and improve the ‘hints system’ they might have realized by now that making people paranoid enough to /wiki a single vague word on an item in case it means ‘THIS WILL GO HORRIBLY WRONG’ is a bad idea.

Ascended Gear BUG!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JrkSoldierX.4379


Just received this message

“I have added the Ancient Mursaat Token to your account. You will find the item in your mailbox. Please be careful when adding the item to any character since a further restoration might not be possible.

For any further issue I will be glad to assist you."

Anet Support team came through for me! They fixed my mistake and were very nice and professional in doing so. I still think they need to be more clear in game about what unique means though, to prevent this from happening to other people. I learned my lesson and hope other people can avoid what i just went through.