Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Enderman.2086


It has been quite a while since I noticed this bug in-game, but I never posted anything because there were other forum posts on the same issue. I see now, however, that they did not manage to get the problem solved and have not been responded to in weeks to months.

The bug is that for some players the ascended nomad amulets cannot be purchased from the laurel merchant. I cannot say for sure what unlocks them because it is not clearly posted anywhere, but I can say that I have every Living Story achievement, all the Dry Top achievements and all the Silverwastes achievements, yet the amulets are not availiable for me to purchase at the laurel merchant. I do, however, have multiple friends that can and have purchased the items from the laurel merchant. I know the items exist and are not chat codes because they have sent me screenshots.

The first screenshot I have attached shows the bug but you have to know a few things to understand how it is proof of the bug. First, to the right you can see the stars indicating that I “have completed this episode and all associated achievements” for all the living story sections. Second, to the left, is the laurel merchant. In every screenshot I have seen of the nomad amulets at the merchant, the order is Protomatter Chain, Nomad Amulets, Jurah’s Jewel, but on my screen it is clear that there are no nomad amulets in between.

The second screenshot I have attached is one my friend sent me of his laurel merchant. It clearly shows that he can purchase the amulet while I cannot.

Thank you for your time.


Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: kaat.8237


Nomad’s would be available only after completing certain bits of the living story. You can find more information on the wiki.

MARA on Gunner’s Hold

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Here are some suggestions, though it does seem difficult to obtain for some:

Good luck.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Death Stroke.9875

Death Stroke.9875

Current most logical theory is that they were added being unlocked by an achievement after the achievement was achievable and Anet forgot to make it so those who previously achieved the achievement got it unlocked, and since the achievement is achieved it becomes impossible for them to unlock, similar to that glitch where skins are unlocked but not counting towards a collection thing.
It also would explain why Anet “can’t verify” if the glitch even exists.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Bovan.9481


Posting to let the devs know I have the issue as well. I’ve completed everything in the 2nd living story season, Dry Top and Silverwastes with the exception of 2 golden coin and 1 badge achievement.

Very frustrating.

Bovan Ironwrench – Bovan Sundermist
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

(edited by Bovan.9481)

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Death Stroke.9875

Death Stroke.9875

just to test my theory, when did you do all the living story? as soon as it came out? a week later? last month?

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Bovan.9481


just to test my theory, when did you do all the living story? as soon as it came out? a week later? last month?

On par with your theory so far.

I’ve completed all living story achievements within 2 days of them coming out with I think 1 exception in the 5th chapter. Don’t quote me on that chapter, I remember delaying one in favor of doing other patch related content.

Bovan Ironwrench – Bovan Sundermist
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Enderman.2086


I, too, serve as evidence to support that theory. I cannot purchase the amulet and I did the living story achievements for the first few episodes before the amulets were added. My friend, who can purchase the amulet, however, did the story achievements after the amulet was added.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Current most logical theory is that they were added being unlocked by an achievement after the achievement was achievable and Anet forgot to make it so those who previously achieved the achievement got it unlocked, and since the achievement is achieved it becomes impossible for them to unlock, similar to that glitch where skins are unlocked but not counting towards a collection thing.
It also would explain why Anet “can’t verify” if the glitch even exists.

Id support your theory..but…i have only done half of the living story achievements..and have been able to purchase them since before i even did half of the half that i have done >.> Course this was many many weeks after they where added to the game.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue on my account.

I, too, completed the achievements pretty much as they were released.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Ben Thackeray.2687

Ben Thackeray.2687

I can back up his claim. He is in my guild, and there are others with in it that are also long time players since launch, who have completed everything needed to unlock the trinkets in the laurel merchant. Some of us all ran together, even ran all achievements with all alternate toons. Still it didn’t become available to them. I have met and spoken with many other random players and it seems there is a bunch of people in the same situation, and mostly feel that it’s bugged out. This is a huge issue, and I would like it if this matter was at least being investigated to find a way to patch up the issue. It sucks for people trying to collect a whole set of Nomads and Sinisters trinkets when all the prerequisites for unlocking them have been met.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: whatthewaht.9741


I am the friend in those pictures i have only finished Dragons Reach Part 2 (or the one where you get ventari’s Chisel) and i have gotten this amulet (in his face sadly) on the laurel merchant and only have done some of these stories once (First four). Which I don’t really get myself.


Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Gray Guardian.5468

Gray Guardian.5468

I have looked into this issue and have deduced the cause. It appears that anyone who had completed all of the “Dragon’s Reach, part 2” achievements before the addition of “Dragon’s Reach, Part 2 Mastery” cannot purchase the ascended nomad amulets “Aspect Amulet” and “Ogden’s Ankh.” The glitch is likely due to the requirement of having “Dragon’s Reach, Part 2 Mastery” achievement activate upon completion. This does not happen when all achievements are completed before the mastery achievements were added to the game.

Arena Net I highly encourage you to resolve this issue as it is frustrating and unfair for my fellow players who have worked hard for their rewards.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Enderman.2086


I am certain of what the bug is now.

I am now sure that the amulets can be unlocked by completing the Dragon’s Reach Part Two Mastery Achievement (or perhaps any of the first four) . I am now positive of this unlock because 3 additional friends of mine and I ran an experiment. None of them had the amulets available at the laurel merchant immediately before completing the Dragon’s Reach Part Two Achievements but all of them had both nomad amulets available immediately after completing them.

The problem is, I have already completed the achievements. In fact, I completed the achievements before the mastery achievements and the nomad amulets were added. This is also the case with every player I have asked that has completed the achievements and is unable to purchase the amulets.

Players that completed the achievements before the items were added cannot purchase them.

Perhaps a fix could be completely behind the scenes, allowing players to log in one day and see them at the laurel merchant. Otherwise perhaps an NPC can be added that, when talked to, checks if the achievements are completed and, if so, unlocks the amulets. It could also be any of a million other things I’m sure you can think of.

Regardless of how you fix the bug, it is here, it has been here for a while, and it is quite upsetting for some players who really want one of the ascended nomad amulets.

I really hope the plethora of information provided by me and the other players kind enough to respond helps the issue get fixed.

(edited by Enderman.2086)

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Zallgoney.3420


I can confirm that Ogden`s Ankh and Aspect Amulet is unlocked from Dragon Reach Part 2 Mastery. Before I completed the achievement mastery, I was not able to buy either of these and I checked after each individual achievement to see if any of those would unlock it. I have not complete any other living story and this was the only thing I did that seems like it unlocked it. It seems extremely unfair that some other players cannot purchase this item and I hope you can get this bug fixed or tell us how to specifically unlock it so other players can still enjoy the game.


Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: smalls.2463


I heard about this in a boss train today. I don’t have much progress in the game but find it odd that a bug like this has not been fixed. I feel for those suffering from this atrocity. Ill give a good /cry at the laurel merchant to support the repair of this bug.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Zallgoney.3420


Since there were several patches and this bug has not been acknowledged. I have decided to start a guild called [NABA] (Nomad Amulet Bug Awareness). I will not stand for this Nomad Bug /sit anymore. Don’t think I’m so mad, I just want nomad. This guild is a petition list, all we need you to do is be in it and it is not 100& rep. Once in a while, we will host events to spread awareness to other people who are not affected by this bug. I hope you will /cry in support of the Nomad Amulet Bug and join our guild!

Mail or PM Zallgoney.3420 for invite!

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

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Posted by: Bovan.9481


Bumping this up since we still didn’t see or hear anything about it after several patches.

Bovan Ironwrench – Bovan Sundermist
Immortal Kingdom [KING]