Ascended armor in the Mystic Forge
I’m trying to change the stats of my ascended armor in the Mystic Forge, but when I interact with the Mystic Forge, the armor doesn’t show up in the panel.
I have the armor unequiped and in an unrestricted bag space (so no invisible bag).
Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong, or is this a bug?
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
I already changed the stats on an ascended scepter, and that worked just fine. That’s why I don’t understand why I can’t put my armor in.
Thats weird I just changed some random ascended Armor i found into Berserkers for WvW…
No idea why it doesnt work for you or how to fix it, worked for me though
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
I already changed the stats on an ascended scepter, and that worked just fine. That’s why I don’t understand why I can’t put my armor in.
Cool, man! Thanks for the tip!
Ok, all of my armor (all six pieces) show up in the Mystic Forge window when unequipped. And my rings do too, but my amulet and accessories do not (interesting).
Anyway… try these things if you have not:
1) Put your ascended armor in a different bag. I know you said you don’t have it in an invisible bag, but just try anything other than the bag you have it in (starter bag).
2) Give the ascended armor piece to a different toon (an alt) and let that toon take it to the forge.
3) Try a forge somewhere else… at your Garrison for instance in WvW or Stone Mist Castle in WvW Eternal Battle Grounds (when you own it). Maybe it’s a bug with the forge you are at?
4) Repair your client
I hope one of these suggestions helps you, bud. If I think of anything else, I’ll post it.
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
I already changed the stats on an ascended scepter, and that worked just fine. That’s why I don’t understand why I can’t put my armor in.
Cool, man! Thanks for the tip!
Ok, all of my armor (all six pieces) show up in the Mystic Forge window when unequipped. And my rings do too, but my amulet and accessories do not (interesting).
Anyway… try these things if you have not:
1) Put your ascended armor in a different bag. I know you said you don’t have it in an invisible bag, but just try anything other than the bag you have it in (starter bag).
2) Give the ascended armor piece to a different toon (an alt) and let that toon take it to the forge.
3) Try a forge somewhere else… at your Garrison for instance in WvW or Stone Mist Castle in WvW Eternal Battle Grounds (when you own it). Maybe it’s a bug with the forge you are at?
4) Repair your client
I hope one of these suggestions helps you, bud. If I think of anything else, I’ll post it.
Thanks for all the tips Krypto!
Unfortunately none of them worked
That looks like the ascended armor you get from Tequatl. Is that the one from him? If so, then you can’t change the stats on them. Just the stats on armor you’ve personally made.
That looks like the ascended armor you get from Tequatl. Is that the one from him? If so, then you can’t change the stats on them. Just the stats on armor you’ve personally made.
It’s Regurgitated Armor from Triple Trouble! So I guess that would work the same as gear from Tequatl.
Too bad it can’t be changed!
Thanks JackSpacer! Mystery solved
Check out this thread:
Seems to be a bug.
Check out this thread:
Seems to be a bug.
Thanks for the link! I will definitely keep an eye on that thread. It would be awesome if this armor could be forged.
That is a Wurmslayer handpiece from your screenshot. Unfortunately, Wurmslayer headpiece and handpiece are currently bugged. Only the shoulder piece can be reforged. Unfortunately, ANet has still not acknowledged this bug after a week since the patch. I’ve sent a ticket in-game as well and still no word.
There seems to be little attention on this issue.
Posts keep opening up, this is about 6th or 7th. As Sylum explained wurmslayers wrists and head are bugged, as for trinkets and amulets, u cannot change stats as this was not added. Cannot tell about rings but i dont think its possible either. Just out of curiosity, never done this before, how do you send an ingame ticket? Would love to know.
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
I already changed the stats on an ascended scepter, and that worked just fine. That’s why I don’t understand why I can’t put my armor in.
Cool, man! Thanks for the tip!
Ok, all of my armor (all six pieces) show up in the Mystic Forge window when unequipped. And my rings do too, but my amulet and accessories do not (interesting).
Easy reason:
Anet stated you cant change the stats on trinkets, your rings probably appear simply because they are nor infused yet!
That looks like the ascended armor you get from Tequatl. Is that the one from him? If so, then you can’t change the stats on them. Just the stats on armor you’ve personally made.
WRONG. Teq hoard weapons you CAN change. Wurmslayer Shoulders you CAN change. Wurmslayer gloves and helmet are currently borked.
Flu, I did a quick search on the wiki, but I couldn’t find anything on changing ascended armor stats in the mystic forge as being a possibility.
Can anyone confirm ever doing this before?
If so, that would be GRAND!!!
Please explain how. (I wouldn’t mind changing a piece or two to see how it would affect my build.)
I already changed the stats on an ascended scepter, and that worked just fine. That’s why I don’t understand why I can’t put my armor in.
Cool, man! Thanks for the tip!
Ok, all of my armor (all six pieces) show up in the Mystic Forge window when unequipped. And my rings do too, but my amulet and accessories do not (interesting).
Easy reason:
Anet stated you cant change the stats on trinkets, your rings probably appear simply because they are nor infused yet!
All my ascended gear, including rings, are infused. Who knows why they are showing up in the mystic item list if no trinkets are supposed to be changeable. (Presumably, it’s just another bug.) /shrugs
Thanks for the follow up, though.