Ascended turns in to Exotic

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Last night “4/26/2017” I was changing around the wardrobe skins on my thief “which is the only thief on the account”. One of her weapons that she has had for 2 years, is an ascended Zojja’s stat short bow. That short bow had the skin of The Dreamer over it for almost 2 years. I changed the skin to Pact Fleet Short Bow. I then continued with my night of gaming and nothing odd happened. I sign in today “4/27/2017” to play my thief and I notice that my ascended short bow had somehow become exotic quality. The stranger thing about this is that the original ascended short bow had superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it but the exotic short bow just had a sigil of smothering in it, as if it was a completely different weapon that I had bought or found. I know that it was not a weapon that I bought or found because it has the pact fleet skin on it still and was sitting in the usual space of my inventory bags that I dedicate to my ascended short bow. Furthermore, the ascended short bow is gone entirely. The ascended short bow turned in to an exotic short bow.

I already submitted a ticket. I was just curious if anyone else has ever had something strange like this happen?

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can do a search via the search bar, just to make sure you haven’t skinned the ascended bow and lost track of where it is, checking the bank and all characters’ inventory while you wait for a response.

Many ‘lost’ items turn up this way.

Good luck.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Appreciate the help.

But I am 100% positive that the bow turned into an exotic. I would have clearly remembered if I had swapped the bow to another toon, which there is absolutely no reason to do. The ranger is the only other class that can use short bow and my ranger has the actual legendary, the dreamer. I would clearly remembered if I had randomly salvaged the short bow because I would have had to swap asc salvage kits off my fractal reaper on to the pvp thief, which did not happen. I would have clearly remembered if I had accidentally right click deleted or dragged off inventory, making me type the full name of my bow, which did not happen. I would clearly remembered if I had purchased a random exotic berserker short bow and then used a transmutation charge on it, which did not happen.

Let’s also not forget that I know for a fact that the ascended short bow had superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it, for like 2 years. The exotic pact fleet skinned short bow that was there in the morning, had only a major sigil of smothering in it. So there was mistaken identity of “if it was ascended or exotic all along”. In the morning, the ascended bow was gone from my account and a random exotic short bow was there.

The ascended short bow turned in to an exotic. That or someone who was not me, logged into my account and of all things, deleted an ascended short bow and replaced it with an exotic short bow, which sounds highly unlikely to me.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I can’t speak to your specific experience, Trevor. I will share that in every case where we learned the outcome (including mine and just last night, one of my guildies), this case of “I would have remembered” turns out… not so much. Human memory is not nearly as reliable as we’d like.

So work with support and use something like GW2 Efficiency to search for your item. It might turn out that this is the first case of an ascended turning into an exotic. Or it might turn out to be something more mundane.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Continue to wait for support to get back to you. In the mean time go ahead and do as suggested above: check your character’s inventory and bank, using the search bar to help you. We’re really not trying to be patronizing or talk down to you here, but 9 times out of 10 a missing item isn’t actually gone but is instead found in our inventory or bank. It’s really easy to accidentally double click on something and accidentally equip it/send it to the bank; I’m sure everyone (myself included) has done it at least a few times.

As a side note, a weapon with a major sigil of smothering sounds like a CoF exotic weapon (either obtained from the dungeon vendor or from the CoF pvp reward track). So, if you’ve traded in CoF tokens or gotten the weapon from a pvp reward box, that could be where the weapon came from.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Double and triple checked every character, including my bank. The Zojja’s Short bow is gone. Really though, it isn’t there. I would have remembered if I had dragged it to the side or right clicked delete and had to type in it’s full name to delete the bow, which is something I would not have done to begin with. I am 100% positive that the short bow on that thief was the ascended Zojja’s Short Bow that has been on it for 2 years showing as “The Dreamer” skin and having superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it. Why? because last night I updated the wardrobe skins and distinctly remember looking at the short bow multiple times and seeing that it was ascended and with superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it. I noticed the pink/purple lettering, stats and sigils in it multiple times that night, even after changing the skin to Pact Feelt Short Bow.

What’s even more interesting, is that I am also sure that there was no exotic short bow from the citadel of flame laying in her inventory. Which btw, I looked on wiki and yes, smoldering indicates that the short bow came from the citadel of flame. A few facts:

  • This thief has never been anywhere other than the WP area by bank in LA, hearts of the mists and wvw.
  • This thief had no reason to ever walk over to dungeon vendors and purchase an exotic berserker short bow from the citadel of flame when she already had an ascended quality short bow that had been in her inventory for almost 2 years. A bow that each time when logged into this thief, I looked at and saw that it was ascended quality with superior energy and bloodlust in it. Even if I had somehow done this, where did the ascended bow go?
  • I have been running super adventure box and bitterfrost reward tracks in pvp for months now. There is 0% chance that I accidentally ran citadel of flame reward track without noticing it long enough to get an exotic weapon quality box. Especially seeing as how my citadel of flame reward track currently has 0% progress on it.
I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

So along with the question of: “where the hell did my zojja’s short bow go?” I am also very curious as to where the citadel of flame short bow came from… none of it makes any sense. I can understand the idea that human memory isn’t as reliable as people believe it to be but at this point, for all of this to happen, this would not only be a case of extreme memory loss but I would have had to do all of this for no reason:

  • Somehow misplace the ascended short bow. There is no right click send to bank. So I would have had to open my bank panel, place it inside the bank without noticing what I was doing and then somehow get on another character, go into the bank and pick up the short bow that those classes don’t need and place it on them “without remembering it or noticing what I was doing” and then click delete and type in the full name of the bow and hit accept “without remembering or noticing what I was doing”.
  • Considering the possibility that the ascended short bow was never an ascended short bow to begin with -> So for 2 years, I played on a thief that I believed had an ascended short bow with zojja stats and superior sigils of energy and bloodlust but somehow for 2 years I did not notice or pay attention to the fact that it was actually an exotic berserker short bow with only a major sigil of smothering in it…. For 2 years I did this and didn’t pay attention to anything.
  • Considering the possibility that I did unconsciously move and delete the asc short bow and replace it with an exotic short bow -> So I after taking hours to fashionably design my character’s skins and make sure it’s outfit was cherry and all stats perfect “which I checked over many times last night, including the asc short bow”, I somehow deleted that asc short bow without paying attention and then also without paying attention to anything that I was doing at all, walked into LA all the way over to the dungeon vendor and purchased an exotic citadel of flame berserker short bow with a major sigil of smothering in it. Then without paying attention at all, I equipped the exotic short bow “picking it up, looking at it’s exotic stats but didn’t notice” laid it down into a weapon slot and selected wardrobe. I then clicked the weapon again “without noticing it’s exotic quality” to change it to the Pact Fleet Short Bow skin.
  • Considering that the exotic short bow was somehow a drop that went into my inventory without me noticing -> So I somehow didn’t notice an exotic drop land in my top bag in the upper left hand corner. Somehow I saw a normal mundane skinned short bow exotic and decided to move that all the way down into my bottom invisible bag where I keep my actual weapons so that they are safeguarded. I moved that normal looking exotic short bow down into the slot over my ascended short bow with the pact fleet skin over it and proceeded to equip that exotic short bow and change it’s skin to another pact fleet short bow and then continue to delete my ascended short bow “while not noticing anything that I was doing at all”.

That’s an awful lot of not paying attention if you ask me. There is also no motive or reason for me to be moving things around like that for an accident like this even happen. Ranger and Thief are the only characters that use short bows. My Ranger has the legendary “The Dreamer” on it. The Thief’s ascended short bow was the old bow that was on the Ranger before she was given The Dreamer. There is no reason for me to ever move that ascended short bow off the Thief. Do you see what I mean by this? There is no motive, reason or purpose for me to be moving the ascended short bow around and no reason to be purchasing exotic gear and no reason for me to place the exotic gear in the usual spot of the ascended short bow on the thief. If we were talking about some asc greatsword that some user toggles around to 5 of his different characters daily as he runs different game modes, then sure… I can see how this could be a case of misplacement. But we are talking about an ascended short bow that had been on a thief for 2 years. An ascended short bow that has no reason to be moved or replaced.

That’s an awful of strange coincidence with the exotic appearing in the usual slot of the ascended short bow, with the pact fleet skin on it none the less. For this to happen it would have required an enormous amount of “not paying attention”. Much more than your simple “oh what toon did I leave it on?”. So we have two realistic possibilities:

  • The ascended short bow turned into an exotic short bow via some bug in the coding.
  • Or someone logged in and tinkered with my account.

It’s one of the two. I am 100% positive that I did not make that many mistakes on one single night that I did not remember at all.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Well, then, as you say, either your account has been compromised (any friends/relatives have access to your computer?), or the CS Team will find what happened to your bow.

Good luck.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

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Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


So, the one suggestion I didn’t see there was: (and a bunch of other sites) can use the API to search your inventories to find things. I’ve used that to answer the question “is X somewhere on a character?!?” in the past.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

So, the one suggestion I didn’t see there was: (and a bunch of other sites) can use the API to search your inventories to find things. I’ve used that to answer the question “is X somewhere on a character?!?” in the past.

Scroll up a bit

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


So, the one suggestion I didn’t see there was: (and a bunch of other sites) can use the API to search your inventories to find things. I’ve used that to answer the question “is X somewhere on a character?!?” in the past.

Scroll up a bit

Oh, you used the proper name, not the DNS name, and I managed to not put it together, haha.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

So, the one suggestion I didn’t see there was: (and a bunch of other sites) can use the API to search your inventories to find things. I’ve used that to answer the question “is X somewhere on a character?!?” in the past.

Scroll up a bit

Oh, you used the proper name, not the DNS name, and I managed to not put it together, haha.

It’s a good enough suggestion that it’s worth mentioning multiple times.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stitch.1794


So, the one suggestion I didn’t see there was: (and a bunch of other sites) can use the API to search your inventories to find things. I’ve used that to answer the question “is X somewhere on a character?!?” in the past.

Scroll up a bit

Oh, you used the proper name, not the DNS name, and I managed to not put it together, haha.

It’s a good enough suggestion that it’s worth mentioning multiple times.

Have you tried using GW2 efficiency?

(Sorry, couldn’t resist)

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Yup, tried everything.

Anet finally got back with me and told me that I had salvaged the ascended short bow over a year ago and that the exotic short bow was purchased over a year ago. None of this makes any sense seeing as how, within the past 48 hours, I had specifically updated my thief’s wardrobe/sigils. I remember looking over the ascended short bow “which was still The Dreamer skin” with superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it, multiple times during this. I changed the short bow skin to Pact Fleet and looked at it on my screen, it was still an ascended short bow with superior sigils of energy and bloodlust in it. Not only was it an ascended short bow but there was no exotic short bow with a major rune of smoldering in my pack ^^

I’m sure none of you believe me! I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t believe me either if I was reading this. But I can say that I am a person that is meticulous with my character’s gear. You could take me out to lunch somewhere and ask me questions about what gear is on my characters or even what other items are in their packs and I could tell you exactly what all of it was with no flaw.

Point being: I am 100% sure that I did not play a thief for over a year and not notice that it’s short bow was only exotic “amongst an otherwise full ascended setup” and only had a major sigil of smothering in it. Come on now, who goes through the effort to outfit a full ascended character with a perfect outfit but somehow neglects to notice.. that the short bow is exotic and only has 1 sigl of smothering in it and somehow doesn’t notice that for over a year. Yes, each time I swapped that bow on and off for various reasons of different setups, not once did I notice that it was exotic and was missing energy/bloodlust. Not only this but somehow my mind was hallucinating and I was specifically seeing and remembering that it was ascended with superior sigils of energy and bloodlust. Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.

Anyway, nothing can be done about this problem apparently. I would suggest to anyone at this point, that you should take screenshots /w time stamps of your character’s gear and continue to update the screenshots maybe once a month so that you have proof that certain items did exist at certain dates and times. Because Anet is trying to telling me that the ascended bow was salvaged a year ago and that isn’t just true. Some kind of a strange error happened.

Anyways, thanks for feedback.
Nothing more to say.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Have an upvote, Stitch

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ascended turns in to Exotic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Since the CS Team often replaces items salvaged by mistake, you might ask them if they could replace the item.

Good luck.