Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambi.2465


Anyone else been unable to complete the ‘Down The Hatch’ quest? I can’t even try and leave the instance because it drops me straight back in the same place, and have to log out and back in to be able to go elsewhere on the map! Very frustrating.

Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gerbsrw.1906


Yea I cant get past it! Once the drinking competition starts I can’t drink or leave…

Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AegisRunestone.8672


I didn’t have a problem with “down the hatch” yesterday. Though, I was playing a human. :S

Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cube.4905


did this today, and long ago, both times on asura with no problems, but to clarify, this is a OoW quest, not asura specific.

Deka – Maguuma

Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: peppeh.3864


I’m not certain if there’s a workaround for this particular issue, but I am unable to progress past what seems to be the final phase of the mission. I killed the last four pirates before the NPCs actually left, so there’s no “remaining pirates” for me to eliminate…