Asura Quest: 'Down The Hatch' bugged and unplayable?
Yea I cant get past it! Once the drinking competition starts I can’t drink or leave…
I didn’t have a problem with “down the hatch” yesterday. Though, I was playing a human. :S
-Aegis Runestone-
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
did this today, and long ago, both times on asura with no problems, but to clarify, this is a OoW quest, not asura specific.
Deka – Maguuma
I’m not certain if there’s a workaround for this particular issue, but I am unable to progress past what seems to be the final phase of the mission. I killed the last four pirates before the NPCs actually left, so there’s no “remaining pirates” for me to eliminate…