Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Mala.3861


Using the wiki to explain:

Piece Negotiations is part of the personal story for asura characters who have chosen the College of Statics.

Study the artifact detected by the VOED. (done)
Speak with Krewe Chief Pokka back at your lab. (done)
Complete the VOED calibration sequence. (No longer part of the story or just didn’t happen)
Subdue the Inquest infiltrator. (done)
Interrogate the Inquest infiltrator. (done)
Set up defenses to stop the Inquest attack. (done)
Defeat the Inquest attackers. (done)
Shore up the lab’s defenses. (done)
Defeat the Inquest attackers. ***waiting*** (2nd wave never happens)

I have restarted this 3 times even logging completely to desktop and trying again. I did submit a bug report but thought, perhaps, someone may already be aware and can offer a fix or work around.

(edited by Moderator)

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Pigfisher.1973


The story step Piece Negotiations is stuck at the step defeat the inquest attackers (after defeating the golems).

seems to happen everytime.

edit: the inquest that you need to defeat dont spawn.


Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Vladje.1062


I’m having the same problem. The second wave won’t come so it’s impossible to complete the quest

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Ahsenheim.7093


Same Problem here.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: rico.7102


I have the same issue. Restarting it does not seem to help.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Mishkel.9641


I am experiencing the same issue..

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: RomanSoldier.2781


I am having the same issue where it won’t load the second wave. I’m submitting a bug report now.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: LouOu.2179


Same thing with me. I am just standing and waiting and nothing happens.


Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: AsuraLover.7601


Glad to see im not the only one.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Mala.3861


This is frustrating because my husband and I both started new little Asuras to level together. We did forget and started in different colleges so we were each doing our separate Level 10 stories and after that, hopefully, go back to leveling together. Now he has completed his and I am stuck. Hopefully before he is ready for the next chapter this will be fixed and I can get mine done and join for that one.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Ewendil.9257


same here waiting

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Ahsenheim.7093


Same problem here

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Solitude.8495


Im getting the same thing happen, hope this gets fixed soon

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: SadaTheHusky.7934


I’m not sure what is going on with this quest, but i get through the first wave of robots and after that nothing at all happens and i can’t finish the quest anymore. I have tried this three time now and still the same.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: CaptainLumberjack.6541


saaaame ive tried restarting it like 7 times now

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Scapper.4236


Haha same problem, and I thought it was an ongoing bug thing lol
Yeah please fix ^^

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Zalanox.1695


Mine is stuck as well.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Razzafrazza.7815


Same here, tried it twice on 2 different days.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Lariel.3179


Same here. Tried restarting the instance and have also tried two days in a row

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Glidus.9634


Exact same circumstances as the OP. Already put in a bug report. I’m very happy to know I’m not suffering from some unique bug, though I wish it wasn’t affecting anyone altogether…

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: LondoMollari.7253


same here the quest doesn’t spawn any golems after the first wave for me either

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Touchname.4680


Yeah, could they seriously fix this kitten? Been like this all day.
I’m level 20 now and not even finished my lvl 10 quest…

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: The Duke of Sandvich.3207

The Duke of Sandvich.3207

I get through the first wave of robots as well, then nothing. I would say something’s up.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: DeathWalker.4250


yep just submitted a bug report on this a few seconds ago kind of weird.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: The Duke of Sandvich.3207

The Duke of Sandvich.3207

During the story mission, I get to the point when the Inquest begin attacking the lab. After the first wave comes, Pokki (I forgot her name) signals for another wave. This wave, however, never comes.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Dwice.6805


I have the same issue. Tried to reset it 3 times – still the same. The 2 wave wont spawn.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: gungongar.4368


Same here i try 3 times..hope they fix it soon so i can move on to my quest.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Touchname.4680


Been like this for over 24 hours now, if not more.
I’m still stuck there and I’m at lvl 21 atm.

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: BillFreist


Gameplay Programmer

Just made a server-side change that should unblock this quest for you. Please let me know if you are still blocked on this.


Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Scapper.4236


Hi Bill,

Upon reattempting the storyline I managed to complete the second phase and the whole portion of the quest without any other bugs coming up, it’s playable again. Thank you for your support!

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Ewendil.9257


thanks a lot for the fix! ^__^

Asuran story "Piece Negotiations" bugged

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Posted by: Mala.3861


Thank you!! It works!