Auction House is Bugged

Auction House is Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Entombed.6593


I am consistently getting this bug where my AH is opening up, but not “fully appearing”. This problem seemed to greatly intensify after the last (possibly the 2nd to last patch). I have relogged/even quit the game numerous times to attempt to resolve the issue,but I’ve had no luck. I’ve also tried doing the “change the language” trick, but it also does not work. Can someone help? Thanks.

Auction House is Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Most TP issues are related to some temporary GW2 files where removing them will allow them to be recreated and the TP to function properly again.

Make hidden files visible and clear the game cache

  1. Close your game completely.
  2. Browse your My Computer to: “C:\Users\YourComputerUserName”
  3. Then in the window menus, click on “Tools” then “Folder Options…”
  4. In the window that pops up, click the “View” tab
  5. Select to “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and click ‘OK’ (attached image #1)
  6. You should now see a folder in your file listing called “AppData”, open this folder
  7. Inside that folder open the “Local” folder
  8. Inside that folder open the “Temp” folder
  9. You should now see a folder called “gw2cache-{1501A8C1-6AA1-1601-C2A8-0115A16A0116}” or something similar. Delete this gw2cache folder.
  10. Load up your game normally and see if the issue is fixed.

By “window menus” I mean up at the top of the window where it says “File Edit View Tools Help”. If that bar does not display in your window for you along the top, then click the drop-down arrow next to the word “Organize” and then click on “Layout” and select “Menu bar” to enable showing of the menus (attached image #2).

Another way to do Steps 3, 4 and 5 to make hidden folders visible is:

  • Click your Start menu and then open Control Panel
  • In your Control Panel, if items are sorted by “Category” then select “Appearance and Personalization” on the right side, then in the second bottom area under “Folder Options” click on “Show hidden files and folders”. This will open the same options dialogue box shown in attached image #1.
  • Otherwise, if Control Panel is sorted by Icons, simply click on “Folder Options” from the list to bring up the options dialogue box shown in attached image #1.


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Auction House is Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


If you already have hidden files and folders visible, the quicker way is:

  1. Ensure your game is completely closed.
  2. Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
  3. Search for “gw2cache
  4. It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
  5. Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
  6. Load up your game normally and your TP should now function properly.
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