Audio bug!

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rainbow.4721



Okay. So my audio bug is a bit different from the normal ones associated here. It may even be technical. I’m not positive but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to post here as well. I don’t get this specific audio bug anywhere else. Whether it’s listening to music or playing another game. I have all my drivers and all that jazz up to date.

Server: Stormbluff Isles
Location: Eternal Battlegrounds
Race: Asuran
Profession: Mesmer 80

What I was doing: I was actually just in pvp with another guildie. Doing our normal routine business. I don’t recall what ability I used prior to the bug I tried my hardest to remember but I honestly can’t say.

The audio bug: In the middle of a fairly big sized fight my audio cuts out in game. The in game sound effects of arrows and magic was now a horrible sounding feedback noise. The best way I can describe it was somewhat like the tardis noise. When he traveled with the breaks on.

I have like to think I have a fairly up to date computer and I use DT880 headphones when I game. I also made sure nothing was loosely connected or anything simple like that. Turning down the audio quality in the game did not stop the noise but you could audibly hear it cut out as I moved it from Highest Quality down and vice versa. The audio cut out soon as I closed the game and did not resume up re entering it.

I’ll attach my computer specs. If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask me here or message me. Love the game thanks!

MB – Asus P8Z68 V-Pro
Processor – Intel I7 2600k
RAM – 16GB Gskill 2133
Video Card – 1x Gigabyte 6950 1gb
Soundcard – Asus Xonar Essence ST
PSU – OCZ 1250w Gold
Hard Drives – 1x 750gb WD Black, 1x 80gb Intel 320 Series SSD, 1x 60gb OCZ Solid 3 SSD

(edited by Rainbow.4721)

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaboobie.1543


I experienced this same issue while in wvw the other day. I had to shut down the game to get it to stop.

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swadow.6213


I have these same issues, it seems to happen when there are too many sound sources at one point. This bug makes it really impossible to play WvWvW as it always happens during sieges.

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rainbow.4721


Would like to add it seems to only happen in a BIG battle. Could be a zerg or in pvp doesn’t matter. Also I notice it ONLY happens when I have the audio set to highest quality. I’m going to lower it and see if I ever get the noise that way.

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cerulean moth.2743

cerulean moth.2743

I am having this issue as well. It’s restricted to WvWvW and I have to completely restart the computer. Even minimizing the game doesn’t stop the horrible feedback sounds. It sounds like my speakers are dying.

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: elmanz.9635


I had this sound bug maybe 5 – 10 times now, always in a really big battle like wvwvw or 2 times fighting the ice dragon with alot of ppl, this bug is just awful you have to restart the game to get rid of it and you absolutely cant play with it in the background.

V For Valhalla
[KISS] Nosferatus Asylum
[Aurora Glade]

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Matt H.6142

Matt H.6142

I have this problem too. Usually because of lots of sound effects. WvW, the ending of the Sunless dragon meta event. Always requires shutting down the game.

Fort Aspenwood home
All Professions Level 80

Audio bug!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Makovorn.1706


It’s a known issue and people have been reporting it for almost a month now. Unfortunately, a fix for this bug is not forthcoming yet, but I believe the good folks at ArenaNet’s audio department is looking to find the cause and fix for this bug. You can read more about it in this thread:

Unfortunately, we’re still having problems identifying the root cause of this issue. If there are exact steps you can take to reproduce this bug, please let us know!

On that note, please be sure to keep this thread on topic and only with information related to the “siren” sound bug. If you have other audio bugs to report, please create a separate thread. Thanks, everyone!

Possible Temporary Fix:

Putting your sound-quality and audio latency slider half-way might lessen the occurrence of this bug.

(edited by Makovorn.1706)