Aurora Glade/Jade Sea / Fort Ranik - WvWvW Bug - No Orb... But..

Aurora Glade/Jade Sea / Fort Ranik - WvWvW Bug - No Orb... But..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Ok Here is the problem .

On Fort Ranik Land should be an Orb … but here is surpize there is no orb but he is “PERMAMENTLY signed to fort ranik server”… and it’s giving them buff..

It’ a lil bit Un Fair…..


ps. It’s not like Keeper of Garriosn should be fixed , and no more bug with “IMMORTAL THINGY” ? because 2 days ago it happend again.

ps.2 how to post correctly img ? what is the commend ?

(edited by Capricornus.6157)

Aurora Glade/Jade Sea / Fort Ranik - WvWvW Bug - No Orb... But..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


seems better ignore topic than fix the problem thx Anet …..