Auto-Attack cancels itself at maximum range

Auto-Attack cancels itself at maximum range

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iyeru.5240


Even if the enemy is in range at the 1200 or 1500 limit, your auto-attack skill will cancel itself after 2 attacks. This has been reported by me before right after the game released (since I played staff elementalist) and hasn’t been fixed, ever.

-Server: Devona’s Rest

-Map/location: Anywhere

-Character info(level, race, profession): Any Level, Any Race, but only professions with range of 1100 or more. (IE: Longbow Ranger, Elementalist Staff.)

-How to reproduce issue: Get a character THAT DOES NOT HAVE A CONTINUOUS ATTACK for its spam ability (IE: Don’t use Greatsword Mesmer) and then attack something at the maximum range that the auto-attack will still attack on. Observe that the auto-attack will cancel after one or two attacks as if the enemy was out of range.

Also, even if the target is within in the 1500 range of ranger longbow, the auto-attack 1 skill will still have a red bar under it, meaning the game thinks the enemy is out of range.

* (A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining ahead. You’re filled with, DETERMINATION.)

(edited by Iyeru.5240)

Auto-Attack cancels itself at maximum range

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


But … that’s normal and intended. Why should the auto attack keep firing, once the target is out of range?
That the projectiles are actually firing further than 1.200/1.500 is different problem.

Auto-Attack cancels itself at maximum range

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: orenwolf.1953


Even if the enemy is in range at the 1200 or 1500 limit, your auto-attack skill will cancel itself after 2 attacks. This has been reported by me before right after the game released (since I played staff elementalist) and hasn’t been fixed, ever.

-Server: Devona’s Rest

-Map/location: Anywhere

-Character info(level, race, profession): Any Level, Any Race, but only professions with range of 1100 or more. (IE: Longbow Ranger, Elementalist Staff.)

-How to reproduce issue: Get a character THAT DOES NOT HAVE A CONTINUOUS ATTACK for its spam ability (IE: Don’t use Greatsword Mesmer) and then attack something at the maximum range that the auto-attack will still attack on. Observe that the auto-attack will cancel after one or two attacks as if the enemy was out of range.

Also, even if the target is within in the 1500 range of ranger longbow, the auto-attack 1 skill will still have a red bar under it, meaning the game thinks the enemy is out of range.

Yep. This is very annoying, happens all the time at maximum bow range for Thieves too – I often find that if I’m out very close to (but not beyond, obviously) max range, I have to keep spamming my attack to get it to fire. It won’t autoattack.