Automatic Alt-Tab Out of Game on Hit

Automatic Alt-Tab Out of Game on Hit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chaialyna.1023


Sometimes when combat starts I find myself suddenly staring at my browser window. I can alt-tab back into the game where combat is hopefully in progress but it’s startling each time it happens and there’s no warning at all. If I’m getting hit hard enough to knock me out of the game there’s something wrong.

It happens when I attack I think, not when I get hit first. I could be wrong, though. I’ve only noticed it in PvE but that’s all I’ve played for the last couple of months.

G-card: GeForce GTX 780M, drivers updated
Chip: i7-4900-MQ CPU @2.80GHz
Memory: 16GB RAM
Resolution: 1920×1080, 60Hz

Alts-R-Us ~ All professions at 80 ~ Still leveling characters.
Main? What “main”? I play all of them sooner or later.

Automatic Alt-Tab Out of Game on Hit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aandiarie.7195


I think I used to have that problem. To fix it I pried off my windows keep and my cap locks key. If you accidently grazed the windows key it will take you to your browser screen. Also check your keybinds and push every button twice hard when the computer is off in case a key is stuck a bit. Also clean out your keyboard with a air spray can. If none of that works try a different keyboard.

Automatic Alt-Tab Out of Game on Hit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aandiarie.7195


Also if you have the newest windows, I think it’s called windows 10, that can do some really weird stuff too.

Automatic Alt-Tab Out of Game on Hit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I think I used to have that problem. To fix it I pried off my windows keep and my cap locks key. If you accidently grazed the windows key it will take you to your browser screen. Also check your keybinds and push every button twice hard when the computer is off in case a key is stuck a bit. Also clean out your keyboard with a air spray can. If none of that works try a different keyboard.

Heres a better official way to do that,used to had the same issue,this works like a charm.