(edited by Moderator)
Aviator Cap animation loop
After the patch on the 28th my asuran who uses the aviator cap is glitched where she will fall about an inch then reset about 2 times a second and will often get stuck in animation loops for skills. If I hide the cap or take it off it goes away. Thanks
Yeah, same issue here. Asura with the aviator cap is twitchy since the latest patch.
yup my norn cry because he cant wear his favorite cap. plz fix it!
Can confirm my aviator cap is causing this jerking motion on my toon too.
(turn off the cap, motion goes away)
Please un-twitch the aviator cap. Thanks.
I can confirm this (i set a thread in german for the same problem).
It seems the pilot helmet was accidentally changed duo to the april fool thing.
When you change the skin, it will end to stutter.
When you change the helmet (with another skin) it will end to stutter too.
My poor sylvari. o_O
Meme says: “Meme?”
Confirmed. I’ve characters affected by this also. Flashing of Replica Job-o-Tron backpack messages and non-display of doge animation are most annoying. Fix, please!
QA Lead
We have top men working on this…
The last part of this video scares me. <tehe>
But thanks.
My little sylvari is pleased! <3
Meme says: “Meme?”
The last part of this video scares me.
But thanks.
My little sylvari is pleased! <3
He’s just delivering a new build..
Confirmed. I’ve characters affected by this also. Flashing of Replica Job-o-Tron backpack messages and non-display of doge animation are most annoying. Fix, please!
Oh god there’s doge animations now?! I thought the horrible poems were enough.
Was about to cry because I thought my thief was bugged, turns out it was the cap. (Facepalm)
Just purchased an Aviator Cap and experienced the buggy jumpy loopiness problem and came looking for a report. I saved up for this purchase and was very disappointed in the results. Looks great but makes my eyes go crazy. Please fix soon.
It’s also bugged for me, can get pretty ridiculous with the meteor shower animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vglHe8jhhKw
Only appears while having the aviator cap equipped.
same here. just got 80 on my asura engineer. super excited to wear aviator cap with my Aetherblade set (because the clipping on the original cap is absolutely horrid and my forehead sticks through the model) … and what do you know, i am twitching every second. none of the standard standing animation, just this awkward repeating twitch.
at least make one of these 2 models work please.