Avoid Traps Achievement

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Quartz.3462


In the story mission strange observations if you rescue Taimi and finish the mission with the buff of qualifying for Avoid Traps you don’t get anything. I’ve tried this two times now. I think the achievement is bugged.

(edited by Quartz.3462)

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: The Muffinzzz.4216

The Muffinzzz.4216

Sam here!

Just tried it but didnt get it

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Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Arkuran.8946


Same with me, I did it 3 times and still didn’t get it.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Blueblob.1726


Same bug today rather annoying

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Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Martyr.1920


Bump, still not fixed

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: MLGRinaril.7128


I two have done this, Iv done it 3 time’s and did not get hit once, i did this on a rev, And i got no ability’s like mesmer, Or thief’s and i did not set one trap off, i completed the mission with it still saying qualify for Avoid trap’s, or whatever it say’s, I did not receive my achievement. Any new’s when this bug will be fixed ? i want my amulet so freaking bad and i don’t wanna wait to get luaral for a stupid amulet, i rather spend my luaral on booster’s and other stupid stuff.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: MLGRinaril.7128


THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Jazz.1870


THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL

Can anyone confirm this?


Confirmed! Just running through, triggering the traps and leaving the mordrem behind and going straight to the room got me the achievement!

EU The Right Trolls [JiVE]

(edited by Jazz.1870)

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Seal.5964


THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL

Can anyone confirm this?

I can confirm. I ran across both traps, killed the wolves fast, ran into Taimi’s room, and there.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Okasankaar.2640


Worked for me too.

So buged… lol

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: x Charlie.4820

x Charlie.4820

Can also confirm this works.

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Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Gaesesagai.9421


Finally found this. The forum search is absolutely useless. Anywho.

Thanks for this, I’ve tried it and it works, I got the achievement.

Run through the traps, triggering them, but ignoring the mobs, kill wolves asap, and run in Taimi’s room. Even though the gold crown thingy that shows “eligible” for the achievement is gone, you still get the achievemnt.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Nico.3146


THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL

You can also play story, and right before quitting stepping into traps and running to room ^^

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Elrey.5472


Bump. This is still not fixed.

Yeah, I did also got it by triggering all trapts…

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Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: archiebub.4089


Completed the instance without setting off any traps, still had the buff, din’t get the achievement.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Beryl.1493


Couldn’t get the achievement by avoiding the mordrem traps and completing the instance normally, so here’s what I did:

Avoid the traps initially (based on other people’s comments in this thread, it seems you don’t need to do this), kill the wolves and mordrem controller duo, enter Taimi’s room to trigger her dialogue, then I ran back to the traps to trigger them. Success.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Takoyakii.2146


hah.. I google it and find this thread after finish that step and didn’t got avoid trap..

So I tried step on one trap and run to the room again..DING UP!

What a bug XD

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: ninja sloth.2658

ninja sloth.2658

I avoided the traps. No achievement.
I avoided the traps, then backtracked and triggered the 2nd set before the rendevous with Braham. No achievement.
I avoided the traps, the backtracked and triggered both sets of traps after the rendevous with Braham. No achievement.

I got kittened off, ran straight through all the traps, triggered both sets of them and skipped the mobs, killed the wolves and got the achievement.

So, lesson learned. To get the ‘Avoid the Traps’ achievement, don’t avoid the traps.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Kelvei.8042


Can verify what ninja sloth mentioned. After trying for the achievement about five times (avoiding the trap using both teleports and by walking through the traps normally, avoiding the platforms with the Controllers on them, etc.), I followed his steps and was awarded with the chest:

  1. Completed mission normally (i.e. walked around traps, avoided Controller pads, etc.).
  2. Back-tracked and triggered both sets of traps.
  3. Note: Achievement buff was removed from bar at this point.
  4. Killed remaining wolves on the level.
  5. Proceeded into the map room.
  6. Achievement triggered and I was awarded with the achievement and chest.

I’m unsure whether you can get it by simply progressing through the traps or need to actually backtrack through the traps after you’ve completed the mission (ninja sloth seems to suggest you can just gun-ho your way through and get it), but there’s definitely a bug in how the achievement is tracked (though the buff on the bar is tracked properly).

Good luck, everyone.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: pugster.9378


Managed to to the achievements.
1) Avoided the traps to go to room with mordrem controllers and immature mordrem wolves.
2) killed the volves, meet Taimi.
3) get the 4 saurian bones, don’t meet your friends yet.
4) trigger the traps.
5) go back to the room where you set the 4 saurian bones and you get achievement.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Cowfang.3518


Still bugged. as of today, ill try the workarounds

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: Johnsen.6253


still bugged…. when will this be fixed?

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: KiLLiAN.5629


Still bugged. Here’s how I did it:

1) I avoided both sets of traps.
2) Killed the wolves, met Taimi.
3) Did the part with 4 saurian bones and talked with the NPC.
4) Went back to trigger only the 2nd set of traps and killed the mobs. Achievement buff disappeared.
5) Went back to the room with Saurian bones.
6) Achievement unlocked.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: waymark.8294


Thanks! This was bugged for me as well and doing the above (see Killian and Pugster’s replies) got it to work.

Avoid Traps Achievement

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Posted by: talysalankil.1279


Still bugged. Here’s how I did it:

1) I avoided both sets of traps.
2) Killed the wolves, met Taimi.
3) Did the part with 4 saurian bones and talked with the NPC.
4) Went back to trigger only the 2nd set of traps and killed the mobs. Achievement buff disappeared.
5) Went back to the room with Saurian bones.
6) Achievement unlocked.

Worked for me as well. Thanks!