[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: mentalrage.6748


i have the same problem and the worst is that i had like 3 secs to load and now i need like 10-15 secs.Spvp maps

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: savage.3469


logged in again, its still an issue. ill log out till its fixed

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: ankohra.6384


This has probably already been stated but In pvp there is a major bug where you are stuck in loading screen after death (for the rest of the game it seems). It’s not very fun to spend gems you bought for real money on gloory boosts, and you dont even benefit from them half of the time. that’s just total crap imo.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: iM Cartermatic.9531

iM Cartermatic.9531

just happened to me also. currently sitting in screen waiting to respawn. fix soon please and give us our money back or more glory boosts. We spend our hard earned money and the game eats it and doesnt give a crap. a bug as simple as a loading screen freeze and it isnt fixed 1 1/2 months out. cmon

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Kyle.4169


Same here, pls fix it soon

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Teutos.8620


Problem still existing here

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: delavey.3792


As in title, this is dreadfull. It happens whenever i die and the game goes to the loading screen. It will unstuck when the cycle goes to the new map.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: sporkbrigade.2954


Same here, just started today. Happens almost every single death. Only options are to wait out the match or to restart the client.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: isces.8752


Happening all the time.. Controlled tPvP is just not worth it anymore. Mainly making this post, not to whine, but to join in with the crowd. So you know its alot of people experiencing it ^^. Feel the pressure, fix the issue.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Stuck in loading screen too, happens when I die.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

There seems to be some general bug with loading screens since the patch. Not only the endless pvp loading screen bug, but also all my other loading screens in pve have doubled to tripled in time. Also sometimes I cannot log into my characters that stand in the heart of the mists. The loading screen there just won’t end, and I’ve waited more than 15 minutes.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: ravynncloud.9614


All players in guild for TpVp and SpVp experiencing this issue. If we’re lucky it happens earlier in the match but it usually happens at crucial moments thanks to Murphy’s Law.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Tom Chesterson.6905

Tom Chesterson.6905

If this happened to PvE player then ArenaNet would have gone into crisis mode. PvP players get to have their part of the game entirely unplayable for 3 kittening days and that’s just unfair. ANet is showing some serious favoritism.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Tantrasil.7634


So how much longer is it going to take to fix this?

It needs to be a hotfix, not kittening waiting until the next patch.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Quick update: I’m not the guy fixing this, so I can’t go into any detail or give an ETA, but I have been following all the internal emails today so I can guarantee that it’s an extremely high priority for the folks who CAN fix this.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Tantrasil.7634


I would hope it’s extremely high priority. Part of your game is unplayable.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Malcastus.6240


They are working on it. First they need to be informed there is a bug, then try to figure out how it arose and what needs to be done to fix it. Doesn’t happen overnight. No need to add unpleasant remarks.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: tarnin.1690


If it takes 3 days to fix something like a loading screen, this game is dead in the water. This is pretty pathetic. Im alt tabed out now waiting to kick back to what ever as im at a perma loading screen.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Kermit.3601


If it takes 3 days to fix something like a loading screen, this game is dead in the water. This is pretty pathetic. Im alt tabed out now waiting to kick back to what ever as im at a perma loading screen.

While I don’t want to speak for the Anet dev team, I’m pretty sure the bug isn’t with the “loading screen” as much as it is with one of the hundreds of things that are being loaded while the loading screen is being displayed. Although I might find it secretly amusing if it was just a problem with a line of code that got removed that read: loadingScreen.hide();

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: garethh.3518


Happens every instance and for the past 4~ hours, next to every time I die.
I can’t even tourny any more and am getting bored of constantly task managering the game in SPvP… its a gamebreaking bug… I am kind of depressed it still hasn’t been patched out ><

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Texas Gore.3642

Texas Gore.3642

Just happened to me in Legacy of Foefire in a VERY close match. Very annoying :s

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Dariya.9380


I know fixing stuff takes time, especially if it’s a hard bug to catch, but what annoys me is that such critical situations take a lot of time, sometimes I think that ANet’s iterative process and “when it’s ready” stance is NOT good for patching. This bug has now been in the wild since Sunday. The guardians’ block bug has been in the wild for 2+ weeks now which completely RUINS the game. I am pretty surprised that ANet is so passive about it. I will admit this is my first game by ANet, but I’ve seen other games (including MMOs) fix critical bugs within a day or two max.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: ravynncloud.9614


I am surprised that this thread has not had more posts.

As the coordinator for Tpvp matches for my guild the loading screen issue has been quite a challenge. Our team building’s momentum has been seriously slowed. We’ve decided to mainly just work on alternate builds and 1,2 or 3v3 in empty servers and practice until the loading screen dragon is slayed.

Godspeed Devs, Godspeed.

-Sgt Charrge

(edited by ravynncloud.9614)

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: zabi.9821


+1 i got same issue, stuck on loading screen after i die….takes me till the next map changes :| , so spvp i out of the question today.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Makismo.6831


Good thing Dishonored came out, I won’t be playing GW2 til it’s fixed. It makes my favourite part of the game flat out unplayable.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: templestrike.6719


Basically the title sums it up.. but i’m loading fine up into my first round and second.. then all of a sudden I have to reque because once I die… I can’t respawn. (in the second match)

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Cakewalk.2064


My guild’s working hard to kick kitten in TpVp and this bugs killin’ the dream devs. Please resolve this issue promptly.

Let Them Eat Cake!
Cakewalk-GM of Infernal Gamers

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: templestrike.6719


Does no one know the answer?

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Tantrasil.7634


It’s happening to everyone and it is in all rounds.

The original thread is located here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/BUG-10-7-patch-stuck-on-loading-screens-in-spvp-Merged/first

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: templestrike.6719


Thank you, and if a mod would like to delete this post feel free..

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: templestrike.6719


+1 please fix… I <3 sPvP

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: BigTeeHunter.4913


This is, without a doubt, a game breaking bug. Stopped playing tpvp altogether till it’s fixed.
Why wasn’t the previous patch just rolled back until they can fix it?

Not going to lie, I would rather face phantasm mesmers and PW theifs in tpvp, than this kitten’s bollocks.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Everytime I die in a SPVP game and click to respawn at starting point, the SPVP load screen will appear and remains there for eternity until the client connection timeout.

I appreciate the hard work put in by Anet in painting such an art piece of SPVP load screen but while my friend are dying out there in line of fire, its hard to sit back and take our own sweet time to appreciate this fine piece of art painting. We want to get back into SPVP and fight.

I wonder if this is a known bug or if it is not, then probably its my PC setting issues (as every technical support that I have encountered with will say this … no fail. The mantra is always if it is something that nobody reported and you are the first one to report it, then it MUST be your PC setting problem.)

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Tantrasil.7634


[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Thanks … geez its good to know my PC has no problem.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Zenith.6403


When is this getting fixed? It has been reported multiple times and the bug has persisted for whole week now. Crashes are urgent bugs. Get to work Anet.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Archaon.6245


This is really annoying…while playing in spvp sometimes (well much more than sometimes) the loading screen keeps running and after some MINUTES of charging it makes me ctrl alt canc and close everything and then restart the whole game…. And you can immagine this is not fun, expecially if you are winning maybe with 250 more pts…so? What happened now? Everything was working fine and now we get this…and it’s not only me, also lots of guildmates have the same problem…..can’t really play pvp this way. just wasting time…

This evening just got it 3 times in 3 runs while winning…and now i WANT my 500+ pts back…this is not possible

(edited by Archaon.6245)

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: tarnin.1690


4 days, no update, still broken. REVERT THE OLD PATCH. Pretty easy, just roll back ONE version. I mean really, if I pulled this at work I’d be fired.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: MasterDeere.3417


4 days, no update, still broken. REVERT THE OLD PATCH. Pretty easy, just roll back ONE version. I mean really, if I pulled this at work I’d be fired.

Maybe they were fired, that would explain this long long wait for patch.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Choops.3710


I’m really regretting adding an authenticator to my account, due to the fact that it’s annoying as hell to pull it up on my phone every 15 minutes due to this bug. PvP is pretty much all I do in this game, and when the whole thing is broken, well, I don’t have very much incentive to play, now do I?

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: derogs.6570


I have a feeling that we are going to wait till monday to see this fixed.

I usually have high tolerance on game bugs but when you are playing game and 1 of its main core features is completely broken… c’mon, game was in better shape at release

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Complistic.2876


I just wanted to say I get stuck on loading screen on death.

Good think I don’t die much but it’s still irritating >_<

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

Thank you for your understanding and patience, everyone! We have a build coming up soon with a potential fix for this issue. Stay tuned!

ArenaNet Community Team
Live Response Embed

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Birdman.7352


When I died in pvp, the loading screen would just keep running, even though my internet connection is fine. Did this twice in about 4 battles. Just kept running, even though I could still hear the battle that I was just in. Anyone else having that problem?

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Not to sound ungrateful, but this is getting out of hand. In PvE it’s not big deal since u can just reload and go back, but in WvW and sPvP tournaments its honestly game-breaking, hope we honestly don’t have to wait until Monday for a fix. Sorry if this looks like an angry post, but I’m honestly annoyed as hell.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Lewzephyr.5281


Monday would be a good answer for a fix compared to what we are hearing.
WvWvW is end game. I’m actually bothered by the limited amount of patching that has effected the numerous issues / complaints about WvWvW.

Putting the laughter back into Slaughter!!!!!

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Well when you’re for example on Battle of Kyhlo, 3/3 round in tPvP and half ur mates get the bug in less than 15 secs, you pretty much lose it coz 3/3 is tight and usually features pretty good teams. Throw in that it happens constantly and you have yourself an issue.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: SameHH.1048


[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Haylel.7248


5th game in a row here. died 2-3 times, 3rd death i get a ten minute loading screen and either the match ends and i get a normal new loading screen for the next match or i get kicked to character select “due to an excessive period of player inactivity”.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

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Posted by: Lawliss.1902


Also having same issue