BUG: Ambient occlusion is doubling up for GW2

BUG: Ambient occlusion is doubling up for GW2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


Guild Wars 2 recently added their own in-game ambient occlusion setting. So when GW2’s in-game AO is turned on, there is no need for the NVIDIA driver to also apply AO—which causes a doubling up of the AO effect. Please make the NVIDIA driver not apply additional AO to GW2 in this case, even if AO is turned on in the NVIDIA driver.

NOTE: NVIDIA’s AO for GW2 is imperfect and glitchy anyways. So it is best to just let GW2 handle its own AO.

BUG: Ambient occlusion is doubling up for GW2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


I know I can turn off NVIDIA AO specifically for GW2 but it is inconvenient to have to do this everytime I clean install my driver for an update. Since the game has its own in-game AO now, the overlapping of the two AO effects is problematic. Can NVIDIA improve the driver to make it smart enough to simply not apply NVIDIA AO to GW2 anymore?

BUG: Ambient occlusion is doubling up for GW2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Find nvapps.xml on your computer and save it for when you need recover your profiles.

BUG: Ambient occlusion is doubling up for GW2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


would prefer to have this fixed, so we don’t have to go through hassles