This graphical issue will probably fall to the bottom of the list, but every time there’s a minor/major graphic engine changes in Guild Wars 2, it slowly affects the Stereoscopic Rendering option in the game (via Nvidia 3D Vision).
Recently, the action messages that appear beside characters (“Evaded!”, “Block!”, “Invulnerable”, “Bonus”, etc) are now affected by the recent game updates. These messages are usually rendered at the depth level right beside those characters, but now the messages are printed on screen-depth level (where the GUI/skills bar are at), instead of appearing beside the characters.
3D screenshots below shows how the messages are displayed. Simply cross-eyeing the two images together will accurately show how the game is shown in stereoscopic rendering.
First stereo screenshot (from April 2016) shows “Evaded!” message right below the dodging character, and distances away from the skills bar.
Second stereo screenshot (from December 2016) shows the “Evaded!” message on the same depth as the skills bar instead of appearing by the character.
I don’t exactly remember when this issue started happening (since fall season?), but it’s one of those things that’s slowly deteriorates the purpose of Stereoscopic Rendering option in the game.