BUG: "On Red Alret" (48) (Story)

BUG: "On Red Alret" (48) (Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Athea.8340


I got to part 3 of the quest (Restore Maeva to this dimension.) and it wont let me progress any further. I have the “Dimensional Anchor” in my hands, I’ve tried everything, including doing the mission over, and still cannot progress. I’ve submitted a bug report.

Is there something i’m missing? Im sure it’s a bug wanted to report here just incase.

Also do we have to wait for them to fix this bug before I can progress or is there some sort of in game GM that can help me?


BUG: "On Red Alret" (48) (Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Athea.8340


Just tried it again after doing other stuff, still to no avail. Step 3 won’t work it seems either the alarm doesn’t disable or there are mobs under the house or stuck in something because when I get close to Maeva I move slower in certain areas of the basement.

BUG: "On Red Alret" (48) (Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morimur.1284


Having the same issue, although I’ve fought the Undead Scout and it is not there any longer. I waited around for a half hour to no avail after noticing a few posts that say it corrected itself eventually.

BUG: "On Red Alret" (48) (Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morimur.1284


I was able to get through the quest after trying again, the issue was odd after seeing how the quest was supposed to go. On my bugged run I actually fought the golems a second time, as well as the Undead Scout, after getting the gun.

When it worked correctly, I jumped immediately down to Maeva, used the ‘2’ attack on the gun, and the golems instead helped me fight the Undead Scout, as it appears was intended.

It’s worth noting that on BOTH bugged and non-bugged I received the final cutscene as if the mission was going to complete.