[BUG]Shape of the spirit

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Aru.1036


I wanted to check out my warrior nord till the 10th lvl and I ofcourse had chosen the minotaur transormation path for this personal story quest.

The problem I have is with two Sons of Svanir. They don’t turn agressive, and I need to kill all of them after opening the gate.

So far I managed somehow to “unlock” one of those sons, but there always is one who didn’t turn agressive and his name is green as ally.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Kinase.9210


I am having the same issue. I chose the Shape of the Spirit path for my norn and after leaving the pen there is always at least one Son of Svanir that remains green. I’ve redone the part three times, done it with a party member, and tried getting myself killed so I could checkpoint.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Aru.1036



Try again. I just did it and this time there was no bug. Though I was clicking furiously on those two Sons, just to be sure….this time they finally attacked and quest was able to progress with no further problems.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Yoshin.7102


Me and a friend were having trouble with this mission tonight. My friend got it working by running right at the friendly NPCs as soon as the gate opened, which caused them both to become aggressive. I used the #3 ability (Charge) as soon as I clicked the gate prompt and it also charged straight through one and made both aggressive.

I’m not sure if this works 100% of the time or why it works, but it may be worth a try for anyone else having this issue.

(edited by Yoshin.7102)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: JokeOne.7543


I also can confirm the bug..

I’m still trying to get them to aggro.

Edit: Got it to work by using #3 ability (Charge) as Yoshin mentioned above. Thx pal!

(edited by JokeOne.7543)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Blackboss.4618


I tried doing the quest 11 times now, still no luck tried to charge and tried to run, anyone has any other ideas on how to fix this?

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: JumSix.5412


Targeted the hunter that was staying friendly > Opened gate > Charge (#3) >finally won

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Jaydee.2516



In this story quest, I have to help minotaurs get out of the cage. Unfortunately, not all Son of Svanir changed into enemies. There was one enemy that was left friendly. I’m stuck, can’t move further.

Anyone with solutions?


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Darkwinter.9563


I’m having the same problem as well. The same bug also happens in the other option for this quest where the character is disguised as a merchant. During the end fight one of the Sons of Savir is bugged and will not draw aggro preventing any way of finishing that part of the story. I deleted my character and started over only to run into the problem again with this version. Very frustrating.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Darkwinter.9563


After numerous tries I finally got it to work. The only thing I did differently was after entering the story instance I waited at the spawn point for about five minutes before starting the story. Maybe it helped somehow, but it was probably luck.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Polluxor.5970


I have the same problem.
I will try your method and see if it works.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Polluxor.5970


Doesnt work
I’m on ele, so the charge trick cannot be done (I tried with Burning retreat but it doesn’t do anything…)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


I was doing my story of my Norn Necromancer in the “Protect the Sprites” personality, and I got to this part, “One Good Drink Deserves Another,” and the part to “defeat the Sons of Svanir” After releasing the monitors the enemies come out normally, but after I kill all but one who stays “green” or friendly which was the original Son of Svanir that yelled for help and I read up on this and isn’t there the guard supposed to talk to him? Well, anyway, I cannot complete it and I have tried reinstancing but all come to the same result. Please help!


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Polluxor.5970


Got to the same point.
Seems last patch broke stuff with sons of svanir. You can tell that they now seem to try to evade attacks and move from time to time when they are idle.
But for friendly ones, when they move you cannot talk to them. I believe this is linked since I can bug the guard of the minotaur pen in this instance. When you talk to him and chose the action that would make him go in the tent, if you stand very close to him, he will try to avoid you but after that forget to go to the tent.
That’s what might happen with the one yelling for help.

(edited by Polluxor.5970)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


Thank you I think Ill check it out, maybe I need to stay right next to the son as he is calling. But it wont be for a while

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


I tried again and the guard spawned inside of the pen with the gate close and i cant get to him I’m restating it AGAIN

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


Same exact problem again…

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: PureWasabi.1670



Confirmed bug/glitch. As others before me have stated when you get to the point where you have to defeat the Sons of Svanir; there is always one lone npc that doesn’t become hostile.

I have made multiple attempts; however, I cannot get past this point.


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


yep, same here.
always another npc cannot be killed

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


Usually I’m stucked here.


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

I will add some oil to the fire.
Rarely even the Son of Svanir that guards the minotaurs will either not come out from the inside of the prison (forgot better word for it), or will not go to the tent after receiving the beer which will make in total two “friendly” Sons of Svanir.
Tried even setting marks of necromancer on the way of the Son of Svanir that rushes to alarm the rest, tried to stay near him attacking him like crazy (with marks and “1” as well).
No luck, I can’t proceed with the quest no matter what.

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Eros.6801


Still bugged Anet please fix this my 80 ranger can’t continue personal story because of this.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: ZuNO.2716


I can’t progress either… at least one of the enemies will stay friendly.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: JellyFizzle.4729


Come on Anet…. This should be an easy fix, and it is keeping us from moving forward in the story. It would be ok if we could go back and choose the other path, but this is just unacceptable.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: aikatara.3462


Same issue here. I am a ranger level 13, “Protect the Sprites” and I picked “One Good Drink Deserves Another". There is always one Son of Svanir left that does not turn aggressive, usually the one by the door to the minotaur cage. I it several times and at one point at least five sons did not turn aggressive. It seems to depend in what order you serve them the beer. Please, Anet, fix this so that I can continue with my story.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


I sent them a mail about this.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Karlosos.7318


next update and it stays the same

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: AndyLo.8105


I have the same problem. It’s very frustrating…

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


:/ I think it is the Svanir NPC’s cause they are walking weird
They would walk somewhere then lag to somewhere close to the original spot…

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: JustLikeThis.9257


Same problem, please, fix it as fast as it possible! Can’t done my story quest.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Hime.8316


This is really annoying, tried multiple times by exiting the instance to restart the quest and couldn’t pull aggro on the two remaining NPCs.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Bxnecrusher.5207


There is more to this problem here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Story-One-Good-Drink-Deserves-Another/first#post4962790
Here they say that someone has been email and has been a confirmed bug.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Duntaniac.9317


this is making me crazy….. i’ve done this like 50 times now, and still the same bugg…. some times there is just 1 bugged mob, some times 2….

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


Chill guys
“Thank you for contacting us once more regarding the issue you were experiencing.

Issues like the one you reported often are complex to resolve, and the time it takes to fix them can vary widely based on the severity and complexity of each issue. Because of this we are unable to provide a timeframe in which the issue might be resolved.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.


GM ImaginaryPixel
Guild Wars 2 Support Team"

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Arjanvandam.3026


Guys, i finally made it. I waited till the two non-aggro sons of svanir were kind of at the same place and then charged in with “3” while opening the gate, i hope it works for you too

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


Guys, i finally made it. I waited till the two non-aggro sons of svanir were kind of at the same place and then charged in with “3” while opening the gate, i hope it works for you too

The problem is when I open the gate then the one who runs in doesn’t turn attackable.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: JustLikeThis.9257


Didn’t see so bad support yet… In WoW Blizzard support gives answer in 24 hours maximum, and makes hot fixes. So, in GW2 I wrote to support about 3 days ago, and till now didn’t receive answer… For what I paid my money…

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: padree.2053


Didn’t see so bad support yet… In WoW Blizzard support gives answer in 24 hours maximum, and makes hot fixes. So, in GW2 I wrote to support about 3 days ago, and till now didn’t receive answer… For what I paid my money…

I don’t protect them but they answered me in one day…
Imo blizz has more gm-s and you pay monthly for their support. You just have to buy gw once (I mean no monthly fee)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Helfen.8275


A possible workaround, and maybe a hint for solving this bug (at least the part of “Shape of the Spirit” track) may be that possibly a distance is significant.

The time when I was lucky to have all of these gentlemen red was when I decided to wait with opening the gate until they were relatively close to me. But maybe it was just pure luck, because I cannot be sure that the one (and in one case two) who stayed green was previously always far away.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Jenstone.6891


In the Norn story line, there is the instance, Shape of the Spirits.
You are to free the minotaurs by killing Savnir.
I can break out of the corral and kill all but 2 of the Savnir.
These two just stay green.
I can even talk to one, he says something about dragon power.
But that is where the instance stops.
Nothing happens, I have waited for 20 minutes for something to click.
I can’t progress in the Norn story.
I have reported this bug multiple times, in the past 3 days.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Truffle Shuffle.6802

Truffle Shuffle.6802

I’ve encountered the exact same bug. When I first when through the quest there was only one that did not turn hostile, second time through and each subsequent attempt has left 2 still Green and not aggroing.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: MaskedTaxAssessor.6543


Try going to the games .exe and running the game as admin, that’s what worked for me.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: lilchii.3651


After about 2 weeks of this problem and countless tries, I finally got it to work. So, you stand by the gate. Click on the dude who is giving yah trouble. Line yerself up with him so that you charge right at him. Press f on the gate. Press 3 then click on the open gate option. May have to try a few times but that’s how I got it to work.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Sacrilegious.3724


charging the hunter as soon as the gate opened worked for me

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: AfterShocK.2310


Reporting same bug, tried 5 times so far, nothing.

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: Quin.2153


Still a problem. Have two npcs that don’t fight. Tried the attack straight on and nothing.


[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: silence.4513


same here – one or two of the Sons won’t change so that I can attack. Please fix this folks. We can’t progress in our stories.

UPDATE: Helfen’s suggestion worked for me after 6 attempts before checking the forums. Open the gate but don’t charge or move until you see that all of the Sons are aggro’d. After you kill the first group, you’ll fight several more groups. I was able to finish this part of the storyline.

(edited by silence.4513)

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

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Posted by: TrickyTails.4597


I got frustrated with this, but after running it around 10-12 times, I finally got it to work. I tried all the methods listed, but the one that worked was the charge right out of the gate. It took a couple tries to hit both in the initial charge, but if you do, they will agro. Try waiting until they are walking towards one another, have the f key already pressed and hover your mouse on the menu option to confirm opening the gate. As soon as you click it, begin charging. If you hit both, you will be able to move onto the next wave of enemies.