[BUG] Stealth fails regularly, not just Steal

[BUG] Stealth fails regularly, not just Steal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EnterTheTITAN.3570


I know that Hidden Thief + Mug is not working right, but stealth in general is not working right for me. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to stealth using multiple skills and utilities – and it fails as if I’m under the revealed debuff, but I’m not. Not even close. i’ve even had it fail at the beginning of a match on my first attempt to stealth (I usually start with Blinding Powder) when I haven’t even attacked anything yet!

Last match I got destroyed by another thief after Steal failed to stealth, so I wait a few seconds, tried blinding powder which ALSO failed AND failed to blind, so I tried to regen health with Hide in Shadows and that also failed to stealth. At least 6-7 or seconds passed with all of these failed stealths, and when I had to drop SR to escape, guess what? First 3 pulses failed. That’s like 14-15 seconds of failed stealth attempts.

There’s absolutely no reason it should take that long for me to finally be able to access a core mechanic of my profession.