Bandits Spamming Launch

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Sokina.8041


So, I was playing around in Harathi Hinterlands before the patch. All fine and dandy. Then the patch comes, and after I log back in, I get a fun little surprise;

The bandits that can launch, do. All the time. Very rapidly using their launch attacks, with little or no cooldown. Hilarious, but kind of difficult for all those non-stability classes.

Fresh upload, might have a low quality because processing, blah blah.

Poor Guardian. But once we respawned, we went back and killed them all.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Agnima.3714


Bandit Cutpurses seem to be spamming their specials as well, caster types spam electrocute and burning, mace types spam knockback every time they melee you, dagger ones spam bleeds/poison so fast that you can have a stack of 15 bleeds in practically 5 seconds so even if you kill them you die seconds later from the bleed stacks if you don’t have a skill to remove 3 debuffs at once.

Making it very difficult to fight in bandit areas so I think I will just be avoiding that npc type until this is addressed.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: MomentOfzen.4793


Is this a bug or has this always been this way? The bandit cutpurse is only using the knockdown/knockback ability over and over, I dont even have time to recover from it or get back up before he does it again. They are at Greyhoof Meadows, right close to the meadows waypoint. Even trying to use ranged on these guys is impossible as i cant even get back up in time.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

We’re looking into this issue now. Thank you for reporting it!

ArenaNet Community Team
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Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Catcrafter.3917


HAHAAHAH OMG Forget Zaitan theese guys should be end game bos :o

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Neijek.7150


i had though bandits where all of a sudden crazy.. pulled pet tank~ fought one within few hits he was at 20% hp with so many bleeds on him from one guy .. was . crazy.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Sonoran.2874


Mobs in Kessex Hills do the same, Bandits that is

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Truefaith.2039


Bandits in Brisban are doing it as well. The event bandit leader is up and has a rifle, shes impossible to kill atm.

Hatchback Delorean (80 Asuran Warrior)/ Aegis Wolfsblood (80 Charr Guardian)/ Dërp (80 Human Mesmer)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Nemui.6753


first the jumping gets messed up and now this? how do you even break random things like these every patch?

i don’t know anything about coding/software programming, but sometimes i really wonder how they built this game so that changing stuff completely screws other, unrelated sections of the game.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: varonecl.4265


Check out the Straits of Devastation too! All of the Risen are spamming the cripple repeatedly. Every shot cripples.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

The mobs are tired of taking our crap, therefore they have stepped up their game.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Conncept.7638


Check out the Straits of Devastation too! All of the Risen are spamming the cripple repeatedly. Every shot cripples.

So what’s changed then? :|

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Parvati.5780


I was fighting a champ risen post patch on my ranger, it non-stopped spammed its most powerful rifle shot (whatever the skill was, it hurt a lot.) I killed it, but I had to dodge almost non stop to evade it. It wasn’t much fun.

Increasing monster difficulty by allowing them to spam their special skills endlessly isn’t a good way to go about increasing game difficulty.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: varonecl.4265


Check out the Straits of Devastation too! All of the Risen are spamming the cripple repeatedly. Every shot cripples.

So what’s changed then? :|

This wasn’t occurring at the rate it was before. Yeah they would cripple, but every shot? I do not grind the area that much so if it is correct then forgive me my ignorance.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Alsonia.4753


Now spam a knockdown; once you get hit once. You’re dead there is no getting up.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: nldixon.8514


Now spam a knockdown; once you get hit once. You’re dead there is no getting up.

This is everywhere. A bandit with a rifle will spam you with knockback/knockdown until you’re dead. It’s particularly awesome when there are more than one.

It appears bandits with hammer spam KB/KD attacks too.


And bandits which apply perma blindness.

(edited by nldixon.8514)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Alsonia.4753


Those perma blind bandits also sit in perma stealth; don’t forget that!

Naturally you can just build stability to counter it; but still you shouldn’t HAVE to build stability to counter a bug; one that shouldn’t exist.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


It’s just the Cutpurse with the rifle that I’ve seen this issue with. The Bandit Rifleman didn’t seem to use his melee knockback (assuming it’s the warrior skill Rifle Butt) any more often than usual. But the rifle-wielding Cutpurse (they seem to use a range of weapons) does this with nearly every attack. It took some trying to kill them with my level 80 guardian. Lots of dodging and using aegis to block attacks just to get close enough to hit him.

There are a couple other bandit mobs that have “Stuns” listed in their descriptions, and they are doing the same thing. The caster ones (not sure of the name) use an air magic/lightning skill to spam a stun every 1-2 seconds. They can keep you stunned about 50% of the time.

Condition inflicting bandits might be effected, too. I did see this mentioned in another thread, and they seem to add condition stacks faster than before.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Zorath.8642


I can confirm this in kessex hills i was chain kd’d till death by a sharpshooter bandit, then almost again by a hammer bandit… hope they fix this cause this is bs
Oh and the vet bandit event mob behind the town with 2 guards bled me with 20 stacks in 2 secs i went down in 2 hit. Lvl 73 guardian tank build, i felt like a lvl 1 attacking a lvl 80.

(edited by Zorath.8642)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Alsonia.4753


Bandits obviously got sick of our kitten.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Zorath.8642


Ok new bug, had a bandit scout lvl 16 hit me for 1235 dmg in 3 hits. Fireball seems to have scaled to a much higher lvl. 3 hits 382 480 and 373 and they were one right after the other…

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Ok new bug, had a bandit scout lvl 16 hit me for 1235 dmg in 3 hits. Fireball seems to have scaled to a much higher lvl. 3 hits 382 480 and 373 and they were one right after the other…

I’ll second this one. I had one hitting me for over 300 per hit, and using nothing but this skill. The damage might be right with their normal infrequent use of it, but spamming nothing but Fireball is certainly not. The Fireball spamming cutpurse and another melee attacking bandit quickly put my level 80 guardian to 50% HP. And that’s with nearly 2800 armor and 18k hp (before scaling drops it to 400ar/1900hp)

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Alsonia.4753


Yeah I would like to say I got nearly 3 hit on an 80 Warrior with 24k health and 2.5k armor at 80; by one of these bandits.

It seems like Bandits in general got bugged to hell and back; that or they met with their steroid dealer.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Oh and the vet bandit event mob behind the town with 2 guards bled me with 20 stacks in 2 secs i went down in 2 hit. Lvl 73 guardian tank build, i felt like a lvl 1 attacking a lvl 80.

I think you’re talking about the event near Black Haven(PoI in the small fort) that ends with killing “Mickey the Stool Pigeon”. He wasn’t focused on me for most of the fight, but I picked up 6 stacks of bleeding from 2 hits of his AoE, and enough direct damage from the group to make me have to dodge out and heal.

If they’re doing this to a level 80 in exotic gear, I feel bad for the level 15-20s that are probably in blue/green gear a few levels behind them.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


So it’s more than just the Whirling Axe spamming bandits in Queensdale, eh? Yes, as if it weren’t bad enough to have our delicate little noobs being slaughtered by 27 bandits all Whirling the instant they have a reason, now some of them are spamming WA endlessly. Nice. What a mess.

This patch has got to be a ninja attack from some other MMO’s devs, because it’s sure going a long way to destroying whatever’s left of player confidence in ANet. Clearly these patches receive virtually no testing before going live. I don’t care what kind of budget a company has, you MUST thoroughly test fixes! This is even expected from Indy developers with no more staff than two coders and a guy that delivers coffee in the morning.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I think it may be an anti bot code gone bad… This has put the last nail in botter’s coffins!

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Skribbl.7684


Invisibility trick ones are permanently invisible, stave bandits throwing insta-spells. knockbacks are practically an insta death.

Hope this one gets attention quickly. clearing zones and levelling is incredibly difficult with this handicap. any newer players are going to be having extreme troubles.

Ralek Manatech – Engineer
Kaithlynia – Mesmer
Fort Aspenwood

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Having leveled in the zone on my ranger, doing it as my thief, the mechanics seemed to have changed.

Bandits now have infinite blind and the blind follows you all over the map or so it seems + a knockdown ranged shot that they continuously spam and next to impossible to dodge. Couple these two together and you’re dead.

Is this an intentional change or is a bug? because this combination of skills is unreasonable for such a low level zone. It was never like that when I leveled my ranger. I’d get blinded maybe once or twice but it wouldn’t be infinite.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819


I’ve just encountered the same. I’m running a level 26 Warrior in party with a level 22 warrior. Not only did we encounter those mentioned above, but as we moved east across the top of the map, was two shotted dead by a level 20 bandit mage (2 fireballs). Is this something last nights patch has fubar-ed?

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


The title is a bit specific, but this thread covers the same issue that was first reported in other zones. It seems to be effecting pretty much all bandits, I’ve seen it for myself in Kessex, Brisban, and Harathi.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Sorahl.3920


I’ve just encountered the same. I’m running a level 26 Warrior in party with a level 22 warrior. Not only did we encounter those mentioned above, but as we moved east across the top of the map, was two shotted dead by a level 20 bandit mage (2 fireballs). Is this something last nights patch has fubar-ed?

also those using the 2 handed maul are spamming the knockdown skill too
so its near impossible to play through

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819


Ok..well, I think I’ll just move on over to Star Wars until this one gets sorted out, as it’s a game stopper for leveling in any zone.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819


Thanks, Mr. Stealth. Now that I see how wide spread this issue is currently, it will stop me from leveling that characters. I’ll just go off and play Star Wars for a few hours (or days) until they get this one sorted out.

I’m all for anti-bot programmes, etc, but this might have gone slightly awry. ;-)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Okay, thought I was going crazy because these guys were pushovers on my ranger and now they’re insane. These guys make Risen look tame by comparison.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Bluestew.7602


It’s not just the knockdown spamming, I was getting slaughtered with health drain and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. It kept draining after I used a skill to get rid of “conditions”. I also encountered at least 5 bandits who would heal faster than I could inflict damage.

These above issues were in Kessex Hills, all post update and in an area where I’ve had very little problems prior to the update.

I’ll find something else to occupy my gaming time while this is resolved by the devs.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Diessa Plateau and Snowden Drifts should be safe 15-25 zones to level in. I don’t think there are any bandit areas there. Fairly sure Snowden has none at all, but I don’t recall about Diessa. I did check the separatists in Diessa, and they do not appear to be effected.

For those that have not been to these areas, Diessa is out the northern portal of the Black Citadel (near the Lion’s Arch <> Citadal Asura gate).

Snowden is northwest of the Norn starter zone (Wayfarer Foothills). You will have to leave Hoelbrak (eastern portal) and walk to the northwest corner to find the portal into Snowden. The main road north through Wayfarer also leads you there.

The Asura gate in your racial capital city will send you to the gate hub in Lion’s Arch where you can instantly access Hoelbrak or the Citadel.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Tyrilha.3087


Phew !
I wasn’t dreaming then…
Those guys have such nice rifle that my engineer is jealous.

Nice patch anyway:
My mesmer is 90% useless because phantasm have a little break before doing their work.
My Necro has been transformed into a volleyballl by bandits.

But it could be worse, some diving goggles could have gone missing

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819


lol Necro vollyball for the win. ;-) Thanks for making me smile.


Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Variadic.6108


Can confirm this in Kessex.

Bandit cutpurses with hammers dealing constant knockdowns, as well as some with poison/bleed attacks that take off 1/4 health per tick, for 15 ticks (PC and NPC level 16).

I thought I just didn’t understand my class properly. Relieved to find this is a bug. It seems to be just the cutpurses that are affected.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: nldixon.8514


This wasn’t addressed in the patch. This is pretty much game breaking for anyone trying to level in Kryta, thanks to the large number of bandit mobs.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: andywerdna.9128


Good to know that this isn’t intended. I was just having this problem earlier too

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: FalconDance.1637


Was warned of this by guildmates this morning. Apparently it’s all bandits everywhere – and a few other hostiles – who now have knock down/back skills from somewhere-really-warm and perma-blind which seems to follow you long after you leave an area.

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Cake.6531


Happened to me with the spam knockdown. They are the new gods of Tyria.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Negativity.5801


Seems its just bandit cutpurses. If they havent been aggro’d before, they have a little cast animation similar to human ele casting glyphs, and then pull out either a hammer or a rifle and just proceed to spam knockbacks.

Another great patch that seems to break more things than it fixes.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

So I was about to rage because I was getting decimated by these bandits. At first I thought well I always have stability with my guardian so maybe that was the reason. Then one proceeds to electrify me 4 times in a row and I knew something was up.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Hanzwill.9654


Got troll by a bandit mob turned imba… i took out my hammer but no infinite launches.. i wan the hammer the bandit uses !!!!!!

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Dowanohee.9528


Yep, bandits indeed bugged as anything. Same thing happened to me. One with rifle spamming knockback, couldn’t even attack him once, just kept knocking me around the map. Submitted in-game report since, as there are bandits on nearly every map, this becomes a major hinderance for map completions and some hearts.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: deangelis.1482


I only encounter this problem with Bandit Cutpurses which steal. After they steal ability they can use it indefinately. Was having fun with permablinding cutpurse that did nothing else but blinded me =)

Judging a game’s popularity by the forums,
is like judging the health of the public by visiting a hospital.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Kenpachi Zaraki.8796

Kenpachi Zaraki.8796

Please fix this soon! I can’t continue my character’s story mode because I can’t defeat a group of bandits who (as everyone has said above) spam their most powerful attacks constantly. When fighting a bandit rifleman I literally cannot get up off the ground.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I want it to stay, but in a fixed form to be not not-stop as it is now to make these areas non-bot friendly.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.