Bandits Spamming Launch

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


After 2 cups of coffee, several solid stragety brainstorm sessions and a dozen different attempts to kill a cutpurse with a rifle in story mode, I have no choice but to admit defeat on my warrior

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


Just adding in to the list of issues:

- Hammer bandits are spamming their knockdown/back skill endlessly, cutpurses launch and knockdown with every attack.

- Other cutpurses blind you and then enter perma-stealth and just run around nearby blinding you every so often. Found this out by killing one with grenade spam near me.

- Some bandits apply poison and 3 stacks of bleed on every autoattack for about 22dps in the camp in Brisbane, stacking easily up to 15-20 times for truly insane damage.

- The bandit mages with the fireballs I’m no sure what is happening with but one of them almost cut down my level 80 in very short order.

- Some of the bandits, like the two that spawn near the Seraph Observer WP in Brisbane are currently respawning within 7-8 seconds of their deaths.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: KICKER.3874


Yay for bandits thougher than Dragons!

If you think knockbacks are bad try fighting bandit champs with perma blind on you and them being perma stealthed Happened in Brisban Area

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: nldixon.8514


Yay for bandits thougher than Dragons!

If you think knockbacks are bad try fighting bandit champs with perma blind on you and them being perma stealthed Happened in Brisban Area

Yeah, a veteran bandit with a rifle made REALLY short work of me earlier today.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Booler.6598



Always in all ways

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Duncan.8906


Just in Kessix Hills Bandits are the same way

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Monsterbox.2714


I came here to report the same thing. Was adventuring in Kessex Hills tonight and the perma-juggle bandits were not much fun at all…

I think they got buffed a wee bit too much. :-)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Fook.3914


i love it, and its funny

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: DarkniteJ.8053


It’s not just the knockdown spamming, I was getting slaughtered with health drain and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. It kept draining after I used a skill to get rid of “conditions”. I also encountered at least 5 bandits who would heal faster than I could inflict damage.

These above issues were in Kessex Hills, all post update and in an area where I’ve had very little problems prior to the update.

I’ll find something else to occupy my gaming time while this is resolved by the devs.

This happened to me a lot, Healing and removing conditions will not work coz as soon as yuo do that they will stack 12 stack of bleeds and your life will drain harder than before.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: assenza.7613


As some others said. The hammer bandits just keep doing knock backs. The mages keep spamming the lightning stun. The rusted plank bandits apply too much stacks of bleed and poison and you will go down if you’re melee.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Genthar.4029


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I can also confirm that in Kessex Hills the bandits are doing the same things. Near perma-blindness until they’ve bled you to death. Chain knockback with the rifles, and constant lightning barrages from the casters, hitting for 500+hp a hit sometimes. Way too overpowered for the level of people running through the area.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Anyone check if this bug applies to dungeon bandits in CM?

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: akkmok.2178


Yes bandits are bugged as hell now. At Brisbane Wildlands, the bandits can spam knockdown moves such as Hammer Spin and Shoot Rifle. This causes you to be knocked down repeatedly before you can even get up. The only way to avoid this is to evade and even then your endurance will probably be used up before you can get out of their range.

Similarly with Bandit mages, they spam fireballs which hit for 600s on my 2.2k HP Lv 36 Guardian.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: sirendor.2304


Any chance of having this fixed, Permant spamming of knockdown and Poison stacking bandits was funny for about 5 minutes, but its getting a bit tiring now.

(edited by sirendor.2304)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: assenza.7613


Will this be fixed really soon? Leveling and getting 100% completion in Kessex Hills is very difficult since the bandits have a very large presence in this zone.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Rominus.9560


After spending a solid 20 minutes glued to a wall by a knock back bandit (rifle variant) I finally had some guild mates come save me. Since I’m a purely defensive / regen warrior I wasn’t able to die but I feel bad for any other low level warriors who didn’t decide to go pure toughness and healing rate =(

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Naracion.6597


This is annoying.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Collagen.9023


I pray this is a bug earlier I couldn’t even stand before I died because of the continuous knock-down….

Now I’m all for them having a knock-down but this is ridiculous…

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Omichron.7853


This is definitely still happening and still ridiculous. I thank the ranger that happened to come by when I was getting my kitten kicked; that bear took a beating, but at least the rest of us could actually DO something.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Neito.5308


Kinda funny to drop a feedback bubble on a bandit mage and watch her one shot herself.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Illuminus.5718


Anyone check if this bug applies to dungeon bandits in CM?

Maybe! I did Path 1 for the first time this week and found myself knocked down permanently by the first boss. I am unsure if that is normal (since it was my first run) but this kind of makes sense now.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Shadowsong.1560


Anyone check if this bug applies to dungeon bandits in CM?

Maybe! I did Path 1 for the first time this week and found myself knocked down permanently by the first boss. I am unsure if that is normal (since it was my first run) but this kind of makes sense now.

Happened to me too! I just thought it was a kitten-hard boss but I guess its a bug.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: omgwtflolbbl.7142


That video is too awesome. At around 45 seconds, a bandit yells out “Don’t embarrass yourself!” and like 5 seconds later, ominous music starts playing. Nearly spit out my drink.

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Account.9832


I did Path 1 for the first time this week and found myself knocked down permanently by the first boss.

Assuming you mean Sure Shot Seamus, yes, his shots will knock players down every time. You need to dodge when he aims at you. He will then walk around a bit and then aim at another player (or at you again, if you’re unlucky).

- Al Zheimer

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Account.9832


This bug highlights a couple of problems with GW2:

1. Very incomplete patch notes (that don’t even mention some areas that were clearly changed) and poor testing of patches before deployment. No comments necessary, I think every player is painfully aware of this by now.

2. No CC protection or diminishing returns. What I mean by this is a basic feature that every other game has but GW2 seems to lack, which consists of granting players immunity from CC attacks (ex., immunity from knockdowns) for a duration just slightly longer than the knockdown effect itself, or reducing the duration of each new knockdown (until it’s effectively 0, after 2 or 3 knockdowns in a row). For example, in virtually every other game, if an enemy knocks you down for 3 seconds, you get immunity against knockdowns (or against all forms of CC) for 3.5 or 4 seconds. This guarantees that you don’t get chain-stunned, chain-feared, etc., and that you will always have at least 0.5 seconds to use some kind of defensive ability. GW2 seems to be lacking this, so players have to hope the RNG and each mob’s internal cooldowns are in a good mood that day, or they can lose control of their character for well over 10 seconds.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Bandits Spamming Launch

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Posted by: Moderator.9532


As this issue has been resolved, this topic is now closed.