Basket Brawl removed?
It was only offered for a short period. Two weeks, I believe.
08/23/2016 – August 23 Release Notes
New Activity: Basket Brawl
Citizens of Tyria! The Captain’s Council is happy to announce Tyria’s newest and greatest sport, basket brawl! The council has sponsored a public court for all to use for the next two weeks. Speak to Morris Podaulff, our first appointed commissioner of basket brawl, in the Grand Piazza to try it today!
OH… How sad. My bad then. Still thanks for the info
It was an experiment — I’m sure they are looking at their data and at whether its worth the effort to make a bunch of changes proposed by players to make it more fun. It sounds to me as if they are planning on trying out a bunch of new activities over the next 6-12 months.