Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PsycNitro.7802


I have been trying to continue my personal story for weeks and hoping this would be fixed by now. We get through the first cut scene to point we are to defend the gate and get 2 to 3 waves of enemy npc’s and kill them all and then we stand around waiting for something to happen. We ran all over the map thinking maybe a npc got stuck. Have tried this over and over and even let the npc’s kill everything including the arrow carts and still the story will not advance. Is this ever going to be fixed so we can get our rewards for finishing our personal story? Please please resolve this problem.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PsycNitro.7802


update… I Was finally able to finish this part of personal story. Not sure if the reason I could not advance was because I had somebody with me helping with story and that person was a level 80 that already had finished this story all the way to end game. Not to mention, we were always able to kill everything together and never died nor did the npc’s have much of a chance to destroy or do whatever they might have needed to do. What I did this time was let all the cut scenes in beginning finish playing along with ever other one that finally came up, and made sure to die a couple times while actually defending the gate where the story would hang up, and finally the part that was getting stuck advanced to the next cut scene and was able to finally work through the rest of Battle of Fort Trinity. Not sure why this is bugged with another person who has completed 100 percent of map and finished his own personal story that included this Fort Trinity. However, I’m finally done with this after wasting many hours and frustration with the bug. Thank you for listening and still believe there is some kind of bug with another person helping or something not completing because we kill everything too fast.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PsycNitro.7802


P.S. I ended up doing this by myself with no help and made sure I died a couple of times defending the gate. It worked this time.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mirhako.8420


I found that it works just fine doing it solo. Only when grouped does it bug out. Sucks I could not run it with my wife, but solo wasnt to bad.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MWilo.6045


I tried it yesterday and bugs out just before the cut scene after defending the front gate and the person I did it with was the same lol as me and didn’t have everything complete

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kopiart.3486


I have the same problem. I’m doing it solo. I did it already twice and still nothing happens after a wave or two are killed in front of the gates.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

Same problem, also solo. I ran all over the place to see if anything was stuck, and there’s just nothing happening.. ugh. I’m level 80, if that makes any difference. I have a bad habit of slacking my personal story.. Because I got so put off by bugs.

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: princeofpain.6098


i al lvl 70 warrior and it doesnt let me complete it either we get to defend part and kill the risen then were stuck there. DOesnt continue with the story

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509

This is just absurd. So many people have the same problem; why is it not being fixed when it impedes such a MAJOR part of the environment (using the kitten asura gates to travel to Orr)?


(Yes, I also am getting stuck, in the EXACT same place as everyone else… AND I DON’T have ANYONE with me. Just me. Solo. Five times now. This is so disappointing.)

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

In case you missed the other thread on this topic—the 10/22 content update tonight contains a fix for the door.

EDIT: Oops, wrong thread. Ignore the door comment, though the 10/22 update does have a fix for this issue.

(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509


After another try, I may have discovered a workaround to the bugged code (and if this works, it should give anet a hint as to where to look to fix this).

This time, I tried something I’m pretty sure I didn’t try before: when going to the logging camp, do NOT take the right path around that hillock between the gate where you start and the camp. Instead, be sure to stay on the main dirt road, which goes the slightly longer way around to the LEFT of the hill.

Of course, make sure you let all the cutscenes play out and take your time about everything at the beginning as well… but this tiny change seems to have made all the difference. When returning, I took the road again, and this time, found a proper fight waiting, not the previously-encountered half-dozen risen randomly scattered about. They actually killed everyone in the party, and there were several waves before this part was done.

After reading these forums, I knew once I saw the giants in the cutscene that I was most likely home-free, and so it was.

So for those of you who, like me, simply tried to be as efficient as a war might demand and go straight to the trouble – haha, silly you! DON’T. Take the completely unjustified longer walk down the main path instead, and see if that does it for you. (If not, then this must surely be a randomized bug, because every other element up until the bugged point was played the same way this time, yet the outcome was very different.)

Thankfully, the bug is very much at the beginning of this very important mission, and not at the end!

I hope this works for everyone out there stuck in the same place! Best of luck to all of you!

Battle of Fort Trinity still bugged (Personal Story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509

Oddly, I didn’t load the response from Jeffrey before posting the last message.

Jeffrey, thank you for responding. I guess I made it past, but I’m very glad your fix will prevent others from sharing the same frustration. Your attending to this is very appreciated!