Battle of Triskell Quay (PS)
Turns out that it wasn’t a never-ending battle…they’re both just so abysmally bad at combat that they were unable to inflict much damage to one another. I noticed a tiny reduction in their health bars so I stood there and watched as the Seraph soldier eventually defeated Hiroki (took close to 5 minutes!). Once I revived her, I guess they decide to let by-gones be by-gones because the Seraph soldier joined our little squad for the rest of the adventure.
Incidentally, both Hiroki and everyone under her command should be sacked (fired…relieved of command). A group of 4 or 5 Seraph soldiers and Hiroki were unable to kill a single thrall they a decided to gang up on. Meanwhile I (a mesmer) killed an identical thrall while kiting 2 more risen…then killed those 2, and then had to come back to finish off more than 50% of the health of the thrall they were fighting. Took me a grand total of two non-critical #1 attacks with my greatsword to do that ~50% damage that Hiroki and her incompetant fellow Seraph were unable to accomplish while I was killing the rest.
While I appreciate that the Seraph might want to appear to be helping me in the battle, it might be nice if they actually did something useful…like injure their opponents. Otherwise just leave them out of it so I know what sort of odds I’m really facing.
Has anyone been able to do this mission in the past few days?
I have attempted this 10 times (in the last 3 days) on 2 different EU servers using 2 different PCS and every time the game freezes at one of the cut scenes (all I get is the icon above my head for a few minutes before the game auto logs out) .
I have repaired the game, but still nothing (annoyingly I finished this on a different toon only 2 weeks ago).