I was doing some testing in the Heart of the Mists and discovered the warrior trait Berserker’s Power is using the old (and now wrong) 3/7/12% damage modifiers from before the June 25th update. According to the trait description and update notes, these modifiers should be 5/10/15%.
For instance, if I crit the last hit of my Triple Chop without using the trait and get 587 damage, I would expect to see 587*1.15=675 if I were to be using the trait with full adrenaline under the same circumstances. Instead, I see 657 (587*1.12=657). I’ve tested hits at the different stages of adrenaline and they all seem to be using the old values.
Testing was conducted using a character with 30 points in Strength with and without Berserker’s Power (no other major traits were selected) using a PvP Steady Axe (no sigil) against the Heavy Target Golem. I never dodged to ensure Stick and Move wasn’t a factor.
Berserker’s Power absolutely needs a fix. This is a GRANDMASTER trait, meaning we have committed 30 points to acquire it. It needs to work correctly. Heightened Focus may also be giving the old pre- 6/25/13 value of 9% and at 3 bars of adrenaline, and this is a GRANDMASTER trait as well.