(Bitter) Sweet Revenge .. Vengeance bugged

(Bitter) Sweet Revenge .. Vengeance bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andromeda the Swift.1628

Andromeda the Swift.1628

couldn’t find a topic about this so here goes….

Revenge is the 3rd downed skill of the warrior… which i like because i solo a lot and get downed a lot. Because of this i made being downed a part of my solo playing style using the methods that are at my disposal to the fullest of my abilities…especially the Vengeance move which is really nice.

Ok, so i know how it works and it’s a really nice kitten move to do and all.
but here’s the thing…
When i have a trait that tells me 100% chance to rally when you kill someone i would love it to be actually 100% to rally on all creatures that can kill me at that point.
If i use it on enemies that are summoned or a skill challenge baddy ( or the summoned creatures from the skill challenge baddy ) i don’t get the rally at all… so basically…i don’t rally on other creatures then world spawned ones.

Now i can understand that rallying on everything that moves is silly…critters would be usefull though but that’s not my point.
My point is…if someone is able to kill me … i should always be able to rally on it in Vengeance mode…. right now i can only rally on world spawned enemies and not summoned or activated creatures ( i like to call those popups )

Thanks for taking this into account… i won’t ask again to fix the vengeance deaths after waypointing since that has been asked a lot already.