Black Lion Trading Post Crash

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Serezenith.3501


For a couple of weeks now, though I’m not sure when it began, after booting up the computer and attempting to open the trading post Buy tab for the first time, my game will outright crash. It works if I load up the game and try again, but the first try after rebooting the PC results in a crash pretty consistently. I’d say always, but I haven’t tested it thoroughly. May report back after doing so.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Megis.9264


I have the same problem, where it will crash every other time, when opening the TP.
But with me it started after the madness patch.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Serezenith.3501


Yeah, I just investigated a bit, and it happens every other time to me, too. And the tab I select doesn’t seem to matter. Here’s the crash log.


Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: humfrid.2615


I have a similar problem. First happend shortly after the current living story patch (Origins of Madness). After playing a while the game will crash when I try to buy/sell items on the trading post. It happened to me at least once every day since the patch, though never right away after starting the game, but always after a considerable amount of playtime.

I blame Scarlet. ;)

Seriously though, it is a bit annoying and hopefully will be fixed soon…

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: susika.2106


Confirming, the bug is real. Black Lion co. panel will crush every time if I open it right after I loaded the game and occasionally crush when I do price check in the wild.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Aramey.3841


I heard that some files joining in-game and website store are causing that. Disabling antivirus helped me for few days, but today I can’t open it either. What am I supposed to do? Remove all my firewalls/AV and welcome all the f***ing viruses just to sell some stuff in GW?

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: SilenceBlack.4973


Same for me. After i log in and open the Trading Post the game crashes.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Wakko.2078


i have the same trouble but only on one computer, meaning it doesn’t work on my fix PC but it work on my laptop.
When i delete the cache from gw2 it would sometime work but it will start again right if relaunch the game.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: gacek.6148


same problem here… i will try turning off AV but its a short time solution so…H E L P!

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I also get close to 1 sec freeze everytime i open TP.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Name.9625


Happened to me now as well

Server: Desolation
Location: Lions Arch
Time and Date: 01/01/2014 11:33

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Name.9625


And again:
Location: Lions Arch
Time and Date: 01/02/2014 11:27

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Serezenith.3501


Right. I spoke to someone who’s been asking around, and everyone that person queried is running Windows XP, including myself.

Is there anyone suffering this crash who -isn’t- using XP on the system they’re experiencing the problem on?

I know XP machines are becoming relics nowadays, but it’d be great if this bug could be resolved. It turns accessing the TP in WvW into a roulette for fear of losing your spot in the match, and I’ve wasted an instant Trading Post box due to the game crashing whilst in Overflow and dumping me back in my home map after a Marionette run.

Any word at all that this has been taken note of?

(edited by Serezenith.3501)

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Dorkfish.8391


I’m on Windows 7 and the tp crashes my game constantly ever since last patch

Pikel Bolder
[ZoS] ~NSP

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Doctor.1905


It’s fixed for me. Thank you Anet

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Jacob.2490


I’ve got this same problem and it’s gotten worse.

Now I can’t even open the BLTC without the game crashing completely.

I’m getting tired of this… why is this happening all the sudden? Been happening since the last patch for me as well.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Llyr.2041


Annnnd it has happened to me at least four times today – sent error report every single time. It’s getting a bit frustrating, >_<.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Same here:

  • Windows XP.
  • Since the Origins of Madness update.
  • Once (on the very odd occasion twice) after startup and accessing any number of areas, and more maddeningly undetermined number of BLTC tabs, it crashes.
  • The game does not crash again for the BLTC after that.
  • Clearing the so-called game cache files does not help.

I have sent the crash log to ArenaNet each and every time, so I hope that helped (although I suspect I’m being naive to think anyone looks at them).

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Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Name.9625


I am on Windows 7 and it still happens several time each day for me :S

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serezenith.3501


Still happening for me. I guess it’s not limited to XP users, then. I’m not sure what other factors sufferers of this crash share, so I can’t help determine the cause of it. Someone posited that it might have something to do with the BLTC .exe file opening and closing, as that’s when the trouble began.

Keep sending crash logs, I suppose. If enough of them pile up, someone may notice.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Jacob.2490


I’m sure they know about the problem at this point, or at least I hope they do…

I’m concerned with why it’s happening. Since I don’t have the Guild Wars 2 error code booklet on my desk, I have no idea what the error means.

There must be something seriously wrong though for the entire PROGRAM to crash just from opening the trading post…

For me it opens, it loads, and sometimes it worked early on, but most of the time it loads, freezes, and then the game crashes as you all must know.

I hope it doesn’t come to me having to wipe the game and completely re-install it…

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: mXz.4512


Same deal here. Ever since the start of the Origins of Madness update, every other time I open the BLTC it stalls and the client crashes. Extremely annoying..

Everything was perfectly fine during Wintersday, so seems like some kind of conflict with this particular update. And using vista OS here if that’s any relevancy.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


And using vista OS here if that’s any relevancy.

That’s your problem right there.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
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Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Kyle van der Meer.6209

Kyle van der Meer.6209

FWIW (and I realize this is an older thread) – A couple of months ago, in an attempt to remedy a non-related FPS issue on my Win8 box, I forced GW2 to run in compatibility mode on XP (this forces an older version of DirectX). This seemed to help, if only minimally. However, after the Origins of Madness update, I experienced the same type of issue (entire client went to a black screen upon entering the Black Lion Trading company). I removed the compatibility mode and have been able to access the black lion trading screen again.

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Hellz Wind Staff.8603

Hellz Wind Staff.8603

Currently having this problem with the latest patch…

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Currently having this problem with the latest patch…

Start a new thread. Whatever problem occurred 2 years ago was fixed; the TP no longer works the same.

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