Black Lion Trading Post not working
- Have you recently starting using any new programs like Mumble or MSI Afterburner? These programs seem to have an overlay aspect to them that interferes with the trading post’s functionality.
- Also, check your Control Panel > Internet Options > Connection settings and make sure to disable any Proxy Setting that may be enabled there
- There is also the possibility of it being a registry/corrupt file issue. The -repair function has been broken for many players for a while now (crashes during repair at 25k files left to check), so it is possible that this is related. Others who have previously tried uninstalling and reinstalling unsuccessfully solving this issue have ended up having to follow these steps to correct the problem.
- Browse to your game installation directory and move your Gw2.dat file to a different folder.
- Delete the other remaining files in the folder (“Gw2.exe”, “Gw2.tmp”, etc.)
- Download the Client Installer (21MB) from your My Account area at the top of this page and save it in your game installation directory.
- Rename this “Gw2Setup.exe” installer file to “Gw2.exe”
- Execute this Gw2.exe file. Windows may ask if you want to block it from running. Permit it to run.
- Running the exe will generate a new Gw2.dat file
- Close the installer after this new Gw2.dat file is created
- Delete this new Gw2.dat file and move your old Gw2.dat file back into the installation folder from where you moved it out to
- Run your game normally and see if the issue with the trading post is fixed
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Quit GW2 and any other programs and delete everything in your Temp folder:
Start GW2 and try again.
I had same problem. Never really got it figured out but I found a work-around. Instead of double clicking the game icon to launch GW2, right click on it and select “run as administrator”. Hope it works for you.
I had same problem. Never really got it figured out but I found a work-around. Instead of double clicking the game icon to launch GW2, right click on it and select “run as administrator”. Hope it works for you.
They’ve already said it’s set to run as admin by default.
Another thing you can try is opening the ports necessary in your network, as those may be getting filtered and blocked as a result.
They’ve already said it’s set to run as admin by default.
Another thing you can try is opening the ports necessary in your network, as those may be getting filtered and blocked as a result.
I don’t know who “they” are but it worked for me. Can’t argue with that.