Black Screen

Black Screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bishop.7140


I am getting black screens again. It use to happen about twice a week, but today it happened 4 times within 10 mins.

Situation: just playing unranked and all of sudden my screen goes black. The game is still connected, I can hear the sound of skills when I press buttons and background music.

I know there are already topics about this but they didn’t offer any help. (or I didn’t find it).

So, I’m I alone on this? I know is not hardware failure because all my steam games works just fine.

Black Screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whitefang.4968


I recently switched my normal adsl connection to a fiber one and the day i switched i have started getting the black screen. about 8-10 times a day. it is highly annoying as i do wvw and its either during a fight or taking towers/keeps that it happens and i have to close the game fully. i first thought it was a driver issue so had it reupdated but that did not fix, so my conclusion is connectivity issue.