Black gear not being black
I think the surroundings have a huge impact on this. It just doesn’t look the same if you’re in a cave or on a sunny hilltop.
I used Ebon a lot, and in certain situations it looks BLUE, as if the watter surrounding me is causing a huge reflect.
Yes, lightning effects are probably responsible for this. Which isn’t odd, but they may be exaggerated. I assume you’ve tried calibrating your monitor and videocard? That might help you.
Lightning and environment has impact on how colour on your armor looks. I have midnight fire dye which sometimes it shows as pitch black sometimes it shows as dark red.
Also there is abyss dye which is the real pitch black colour I assume and the reason why it’s more expensive than black dye.
To be honest no dye should be more black than a ‘Black Dye’. If it due to a feature that is actually intended in the game I highly suggest an option to turn it off because it renders the dye system useless when it doesn’t look like you want it to.
It doesn’t have anything to do with that because it looks perfectly fine in the hero pane <H>.
Reflective light, atmosphere, material of armor, and other elements can make dyes look different colors. The black leather I wear will have a bluish tint to it during a clear night sky when the moon light is hitting off it. The armor is black but the light it is reflecting isn’t. Even My black widow spider doesn’t appear all black, it is reflecting light causing to look multiple colors. It is black but the light coming off it isn’t.
On the sylvari tier 1 armor (and I assume the others as well) it’s the shaders causing colors to look distorted. In the spoiler are 3 images where all I changed is the shader level in the options & you can see the difference. The hero panel shows the armor as it should be though, so hopefully they can fix this. The colors I’m using is Dark Olive and Apricot if it matters.
So we actually have to worsen our graphical quality to get the correct colors? Well that just sad!
Please fix this, ANet, or at least include an option to disable it in case it’s an intended feature.