Blade of Avenger's Longsword not showing in preview window

Blade of Avenger's Longsword not showing in preview window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


The blade of the Avenger’s Longsword is not showing in the preview window, this makes the blade look just like a plant.
The blade also doesn’t show when opening the (H) Hero Panel.
When the Avenger’s Longsword is equipped the blade does show.
Screenshot was taken as a Male Sylvari.


Blade of Avenger's Longsword not showing in preview window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


This also occurs with the Hammer and Staff version of this weapon.
Reminder: When you preview Avenger’s Longsword, Avenger’s Hammer or Avenger’s Staff the blade of the sword, the metal of the hammer and de magical ball of the staff do not show.
This makes the weapons look pretty weird.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)