Blasting Staff Trait

Blasting Staff Trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deadcow.6270


The blasting staff elemantalist arcana master trait makes all AoEs with the staff bigger but the green or red circles that show up before the AoE is placed aren’t enlarged. this can be quite annoying when trying to hit multiple or moving foes or dazing standing targets with the static field. The trait also doesn’t seem to enlarge the meteor shower or healing rain (I’m not quite sure since they are quite large and hard to see if they are bigger).

Blasting Staff Trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It works for everything besides Meteor Shower. Meteor Shower is also the only skill out of the bunch that does not have a Radius listed. It has a Damage Radius and a Storm Radius instead.

In the attachment, the left is without Blasting Staff and the right is with Blasting Staff, both are for Lava Font.


Blasting Staff Trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deadcow.6270


That’s really odd, it’s not doing it for me, its the same for both.