Block feature not working?
Yeah, something isn’t working. I noticed a little while ago that it wasn’t blocking spammers when I reported them either.
Yeah, something isn’t working. I noticed a little while ago that it wasn’t blocking spammers when I reported them either.
As far as I know, just reporting someone doesn’t put them in your block list.
Hope anet fixes this.
Yeah this keeps happening to me. Too many pugs with guys who type a word every second is giving me wall of text crits. In all seriousness I hope they fix this.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
same, it seems block only works for whispers, can we get some attention dev side on this, i cant enjoy time with one of the guilds im in cause the one person i hate most in the entire game seems to have found his way in that guild and him being on block isnt removing what he says from guild chat
but seriously if nothing else can we please get block fixed to remove all ability for them to talk to u in other chats, send mail, and invite u or invite them selfs to parties to better deal with the creepy stalker type people… anet… seriously… please?
i will gladly pay u for your time spent making this change >.<
(edited by Criminal.5627)
I don’t have many people on my block list and I’m happy for that. Though one of my friends does have a person on their block list and still sees that person’s messages in Guild Chat and Party Chat.
I’d hope this would be fixed soon, as I think its quite the extreme to have to kick/leave a guild just to avoid a person you don’t get along with.
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer
it works but not the way it should…
the person that is blocked will not be able to whisper but u can still see him/her in the chat which is rly silly and makes the block option usless
Blocking people needs to be looked at.
Currently when someone is blocked they still see you online!!! That is not right. When you block someone they should ALWAYS see you as offline! They should never have any more information about you ever again!
You shouldn’t be able to read anything they type ever again. They should not be able to invite you to parties, talk to you in whispers, party chats, general chat, guild chat, squad chat.
This really needs to be fixed.
It’s been 5 months. This is a huge privacy issue to some people!!!!
Blocking people needs to be looked at.
It’s been 5 months. This is a huge privacy issue to some people!!!!
They have a whole lot of thing’s that need looking at and fixed but all they really care about is the living story and gem store, that’s their main priority, not fixing stuff that is a minor issue to them, might be major for us but not to them.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
A friend and I once tested out what was actually blocked and what wasn’t, here’s our results:
If both people block each other, both people still see your online status, character name, location and Nerdpoints. The only thing they don’t see is the character details when you hover over the name with your cursor, much like when you are not mutually friended with another player.
- Attempting to form a party gives a network error message.
- /say is blocked.
- /e is not blocked.
- /g is not blocked.
- /w is blocked. Says the user is offline.
If you’re already in a party with the person you wish to block, I’m assuming they aren’t blocked in party chat either. So overall it’s not very blocky.
Tarnished Coast
Please fix this anet.
Any word on when this MIGHT be a priority?
Bumping this because it should be fixed in the next patch. I don’t know why this isn’t your number 1 priority.
Agreed. This NEEDS to be fixed.
I support Tengu as a playable race.
So now that your big fancy patch is out can we get this fixed please?
I don’t want to see ANYTHING a blocked player has to say, nor should he see anything about my character. I should appear offline for him always.
When you block somebody you can also continue to see their emotes, whether it’s an actual emote like dancing, or if they type out an emote i.e /e we can still see this text. And as stated, you can still see it in guild chat. This function should have worked from the start, but on the bright side we have new cosmetic items in the Gem Shop so open them wallets folks!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.