[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Winespring Brother.2970

Winespring Brother.2970

I did a search and did not see this topic in any other threads. Per the wiki update notes, “The Battle for Fort Trinity” had some issues that were resolved as of 9/4/2012 but I have been seeing the same issue for several days and it is still occurring as of last night. I have not had any other issues such as skipping story steps that others have reported, and the conversation about the Krait orb is relevant in my case since that is where I have progressed from in previous story missions.

Story objective: Speak with Trahearne. Once I walk up to Trahearne (after he finishes his conversation about the broken Asura Gates), this objective is checked off and the asterisk floating over him vanishes, but no further objective is given. I have run around the zone randomly trying to get it to trigger further objectives, without success.

Race: Charr
Class: Ranger
Legion: Iron
Level: 80
Order: Vigil

Thanks much!

Yak’s Bend
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

(edited by Moderator)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sajuuk Khar.1509

Sajuuk Khar.1509

I am currently playing a level 80, human, guardian, and every time I try to do the Battle of Fort Trinity mission, and I walk up to Trehern, two npcs keep talking about some Krait Orb, and someone getting captured.

The thing is, I have never done a mission involving either of those things.

I have been waiting for this to get fixed before finishing the quest, so my personal story can get back on track, but even today when I tried it, it is still broken.

the rest of my personal story has worked up till this point, and I am kinda sad that I have to sit here, stuck at a level 70 quest, because of one bug.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Carnajin.7360


Don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this but on my quest I can’t even get the battle to begin. I hear all the NPCs talk and then nothing. I report to the guy up top, and after that it checks it complete and just hangs there. I sent bug reports as well and searched the forums and google searched to see if anyone was having the same problem as mine. Checked on the update notes and they said they fixed it which clearly they didn’t. Tried going to Lions Arch and everything, just hangs there with no way to start it.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Curcuit.1358


Hello everyone that views this hopefully i get some help on this problem. When Trahearne starts talking to the 2 NPC’s near him and then the conversation is over i walk near him and there is supposed to be a cut scene there. The first bullet point of the quest shows up as complete then cut scene will not trigger no matter what. I am curious if anyone has had this bug yet at any point in time, and if they some how fixed it. I also kept trying after the patches on where it said it was fixed

(edited by Curcuit.1358)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942


Well it was on the wiki that they had a fix for this quest, keep trying it, but the quest npc just stands there at the beginning and does nothing. Cannot finish my storyline.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: LaughingLoser.9806


Same story spot, different issue. Once I get to defend the docks, I clear a wave, a guy says oho, what’s that up there as the dragon flies about, and nothing else spawns. Im stuck with “Defend the Docks” and at this point the only thing I can kill is the big bone ship by swimming out there and beating on it for 5 minutes (am I supposed to be able to blow that thing up with my spear? lol). So, I’m stuck. Tried reset, no go.

Race: Man
Class: Necro
Level: 76
Order: Priory


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: LaughingLoser.9806


Follow Up:
I did finally get it to go past to the cutscene by starting over a 3rd time and trying a new way. I’m sure this wasn’t the issue, but I attempted to kill some trolls prior to closing the gates… Many times which forced me to restart from a checkpoint…. many times. Everything seemed to work properly from there

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Zesbeer.8365


Story objective: Speak with Trahearne. Once I walk up to Trahearne (after he finishes his conversation about the broken Asura Gates), this objective is checked off and the asterisk floating over him vanishes, but no further objective is given. I have run around the zone randomly trying to get it to trigger further objectives, without success.

Race: Charr
Class: Ranger
Legion: Iron
Level: 80
Order: Vigil

Thanks much!

This is the issue I keep running into reported it in game.

I am playing:
Race: Asura
Class: Mesmer
Level: 80
Order: Order of Wispers

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Zesbeer.8365


BUMP still as of build 15473 this is blocked.

(edited by Zesbeer.8365)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Boki.1437


I am still stuck and the 1st step of the story Report To Trahearne after the npc’s stop talking about the asura gates nothing happens and the quest is ticked off i am stuck here for the last 4 days. Any tip how can we progress further and + i cant finish the map coz one of the points of interest must be done whit the q

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Zesbeer.8365


I am still stuck and the 1st step of the story Report To Trahearne after the npc’s stop talking about the asura gates nothing happens and the quest is ticked off i am stuck here for the last 4 days. Any tip how can we progress further and + i cant finish the map coz one of the points of interest must be done whit the q

you can get the point of interest regardless of this bug what you do is this:
start that personal story ignore the npcs jump into the water and swim over to where the sea door (near the air ship on the mini map) into fort trinity is swim in there and then jump on to the dock in there and then go up the ramp and get as close as you can to the poi and it should pop up.(ie near the door leading into that place).

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: thegreekman.5861


I have the same issue. Can not get past the first step. No cutscne.
Order: Order of whispers

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: TimMcCaughan.8304



Hey everyone,

We’re fervently working on seeing the reported blocking issues fixed, so please sit tight as we work toward solutions. Everything that’s been reported is in a queue to be fixed, and we’re working through that queue as quickly as we can. Rest assured, every bug that’s been listed here on the forum is on a great big priority list.

Thanks for your patience, and for the continued updates—in turn, we’ll continue to do the best we can to resolve these issues in as timely a manner as possible.


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MachineX.6791


I did a search and did not see this topic in any other threads. Per the wiki update notes, “The Battle for Fort Trinity” had some issues that were resolved as of 9/4/2012 but I have been seeing the same issue for several days and it is still occurring as of last night. I have not had any other issues such as skipping story steps that others have reported, and the conversation about the Krait orb is relevant in my case since that is where I have progressed from in previous story missions.

Story objective: Speak with Trahearne. Once I walk up to Trahearne (after he finishes his conversation about the broken Asura Gates), this objective is checked off and the asterisk floating over him vanishes, but no further objective is given. I have run around the zone randomly trying to get it to trigger further objectives, without success.

Race: Charr
Class: Ranger
Legion: Iron
Level: 80
Order: Vigil

Thanks much!

I also have the same exact issue.

Race: Norn
Class: Warrior
Level: 80
Order: Order of Whispers

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: bay.4852


I did a search and did not see this topic in any other threads. Per the wiki update notes, “The Battle for Fort Trinity” had some issues that were resolved as of 9/4/2012 but I have been seeing the same issue for several days and it is still occurring as of last night. I have not had any other issues such as skipping story steps that others have reported, and the conversation about the Krait orb is relevant in my case since that is where I have progressed from in previous story missions.

Story objective: Speak with Trahearne. Once I walk up to Trahearne (after he finishes his conversation about the broken Asura Gates), this objective is checked off and the asterisk floating over him vanishes, but no further objective is given. I have run around the zone randomly trying to get it to trigger further objectives, without success.

Race: Charr
Class: Ranger
Legion: Iron
Level: 80
Order: Vigil

Thanks much!

I also have the same exact issue.

Race: Norn
Class: Warrior
Level: 80
Order: Order of Whispers

Same issue here.
Race: Human
Class: Elementalist
Level: 80

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Mytharak.6028


I had the exact same issue where the cut scene with Trahearne would not trigger. I was able to get it to work by waiting at a good distance (in the entrance archway I believe) and let the conversation that Trahearne is having with the two people next to him complete before I approached him. Not sure if this is what helped trigger the cut scene properly, but I hope this can help folks continue their journey!

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: sipsis.1309


On a different note but related to this quest, the guard at the vigil fort in vigilant hills that is supposed to let you in this place with the asura gate to fort trinity(where the waypoint is) says “This place is under construction” and does not have an option to enter. Is there another way to go to fort trinity or is the quest disabled by ANet. Im not whining, I understand there are alot of issue to be resolved and I just asking if there is a workaround. I just want to know if I should try a workaround or is it a waste of time atm? Thank you

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: MachineX.6791


Still broken after this mornings patch

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Caithe.5314


this story has a new bug for me every time i try doing it

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SolemnSumo.6075


I can get to the objective where you are supposed to take back the docks, but only about 7 other npcs come with me and are wiped out against the 50+ that keep respawning. The rest of the “army” is left behind running back and forth in 3 different groups of 15 or so.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Seth.1079


I cannot get past the first objective on this, it checks off but nothing ever happens after that.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: luthar.1938


I was given the task to team up with the largos and capture the Krait orb and I cannot get the first cutscene in The battle of fort trinity to open, whereas my guildmates had to assault mount maelstrom with tanks and stuff and it worked for them. Just saying the problem perhaps lies in the questline and chain of events on our side (us who had to do tons of extramely enjoyable underwatercombat against tons of krait).


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Logan.4736


Same problem here …

lvl 71

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: kaimibu.6354


Hopefully this is issue gets resolved soon, it’s quite annoying >.<


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942


It was removed from the wiki it seems, and I thought there was a fix put in.. But my quest is still getting stuck on report to treherne at fort trinity he just will not move or do anything.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


Me too, tried the quest about 10 times but it stops as soon as i report to trahearne!

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Eskali.1380


I’m having this issue, i have it down to Cut-scene’s/Dialogue not appearing as i just did my wifes personal story and she got all the Cut-scene’s and i didn’t, after which i wasn’t givin’ credit and i had to try for myself, i have Report to Treharne grayed out after listening to them talk but no talking scene appears.

Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I am having the same issue

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Xarf.6907


same here :/ hope it will be fixed soon

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sete.3168


same here… any fix?

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Ah I was looking for a thread like this – I know a bunch of other threads about this personal story have popped up as well.

Here is my info:

Name: Slayn
Race: Asura
Class: Thief
Level: 80
Order of Whispers

I have the issue where I enter the instance and approach Traeherne but the cut scene never activates. The star above him goes away once the NPCs around him finish the dialog. I have tried going in and talking to him really quickly but nothing happens till the dialog finishes. I have tried waiting till the dialog ends and then speaking to him – again no cut scene. I’ve wandered a decent portion of the instance but that does not trigger anything either.

When I tried to go in with a friend as a party, we get split up with the person who activates the instance going in and the other is left behind. That friend had no issues with getting into the cut scene and he was able to finish the story. We had been doing the last couple of stories before this a group with no issues. I do not recall if the story before this was done with his story or mine though.

Still occurring as of 9/14/12 patch

(edited by Sideshow Mel.4587)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried again?? still bugged?

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: shadowshift.5320


Also bugged here. I have submitted 2 bug reports on the two occasions this past week that I’ve tried to do the personal story.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


reported multiple times also here, but no signs for a solution ….

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Winespring Brother.2970

Winespring Brother.2970

The update notes for September 14th say there were bug fixes for this mission, but I am still encountering the same problem – no tasks to do after talking to Trahearne.

Yak’s Bend
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Ulor.6193


Still bugged – also I still get the two explorers talking about the krait orb yet i found the dwarven tome..

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sarlias.8674


Mine is still bugged as well. Very frustrating.

Isa Bunny ~ Mesmer ~ Tarnished Coast

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


Sorry for double posting, but i’ve tried battle for fort tronity after tonight bugfix but is still bugged , bug is the same reported here:


Quest stops as soon as you report to Trahearne. Object is marked as done but nothing happens

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried after upgrade but still bugged!

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Polofish.5401


I’m having this exact issue :[

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Braken.4235


Yep same pro here. in my PQ; I chose to join the priory and help the quaggen.
Character: Braken W
after i meet with Trahearne the quest obj completes and stops updating.
Been like this for a little over a week now and its getting lame… >=(

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Braken.4235


same issue here >=(

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: shadowshift.5320


Still bugged here =(

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Skogen.5290


I’ve been reporting the bug for nearly two weeks and have had no luck. My guildmates have had no problems completing the mission and in instances where I’ve attempted to join them, the progress is strangely halted.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: yakuzapanda.1062


As many other players I have encountered the bug where the story cant continue when the story mission comes to protect Fort Trinity’s dock.
here is the possible solution to it.
There is a mob called “Risen Subjugator” will appear at the right side of the dock when u r facing the ocean, you have to kill him ASAP or he will stuck under the dock therefore preventing the mission to proceed. This tip helped me fixed the problem and I hope it will do the same to you .

(edited by yakuzapanda.1062)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Ladyfart.9014


This is 5th bugged story quest (among zillion other bugs in game) for me. Going for a refund tommorow.


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried with others giuld mates, some of thme already finished their personal story but quest stops at the same point, so bug seems to be connected with some particular instances

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Leeny.1527


My main quest battle of fort trinity is bugged, I can’t talk to Trahearne but it says i did and doesn’t give any other parts of the quest. I just stand in the zone.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Lokoo.4697


Also having problems with this quest. Get as far as defending the docks and then nothing happens….

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: crimzon.8945


I have the exact game issue as Braken, I walk in the door the 3 talk and then Marshal Trahearne just wont talk it completes but does not move to the next stage. The actual attack never happens.

I bugged it first day then put in a support ticket yesterday.

What really upsets me is support. No one not one reply from support saying hey we got your email and we have sent it up to our higher level techs. No assurances that anyone has even read my message. They have the worst support and response I have ever seen in any title.

I just want to know my stuff has been seen is that to much to ask? But they don’t care to even reassure me. It makes me so upset that they don’t care how I feel that I’m burning out already.

I moved forward and got Straits of Devestation at 98% I am missing one point of interest right there inside the fort. No point of interest should be quest dependant it is redicoulus. I have spent well over 100 dollars here and 400 dollars during GW1 and I feel like they are not spending my money wisely.

The are prioritizing hacked accounts. Maybe they should prioritize our stuff. We are the loyal active players who weren’t so dumb as to have a stupid password or open a fake link in an email or web page. I didn’t get compermised due to my own stupidity and I STILL CANT PLAY as intended. No asura gate access, no interest point map completion and no ending the story. And most of all NO WORD not ONE from someone saying HEY DUDE it will be ALRIGHT we are working on it!!!!

Apparently that is asking way to much!

(edited by crimzon.8945)