Boon duration armour [solved]

Boon duration armour [solved]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ObsidianSaint.1079


So my friend decided that he wanted to make full boon duration armour and got his boon duration to 99%.

Fantastic right??? Well he put boons on himself and everything worked great but when he applied boons to other people and when he RECEIVED boons they were not extended at all. Now I can understand if one or the other didn’t work but for both of them not to work seems a bit strange to me.

So the way it is currently, boon duration only effects casting boons on YOURSELF. Is this intended, I think if this were to be changed it might actually open up another type of gear and actually bring some use to all those silly dubloons.

Thanks for reading,
tldr: Boon duration only works when casting boons on yourself, not when receiving boon or giving boons.

Boon duration armour [solved]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eekzie.5640


Every boon he puts on another person should last longer.
Every boon he receives from someone else does not get any effect.

If the boons he gives to others do not get prolonged, it might be bugged but you would have to be more specific into how to reproduce it.
For instance, my boon duration works just fine on other people.