Boots Not Previewing Correct Dye Colour?

Boots Not Previewing Correct Dye Colour?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Verdis.8472


Is this happening to anybody else? I’m looking through the new bank wardrobe and when i preview a pair of boots, the dye colours i’m currently wearing don’t preview with it. All other parts (head, chest etc) preview with the dyes i’m currently using (blue, black scheme) but when i preview any pair of boots they are orange :S


I’m a Necro Female, if that means anything.

Boots Not Previewing Correct Dye Colour?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


Is this happening to anybody else? I’m looking through the new bank wardrobe and when i preview a pair of boots, the dye colours i’m currently wearing don’t preview with it. All other parts (head, chest etc) preview with the dyes i’m currently using (blue, black scheme) but when i preview any pair of boots they are orange :S


I’m a Necro Female, if that means anything.

Gender – CHECK
Profession – CHECK
Race – Pending

Race is usually more relevant than gender or profession when it comes to these issues. :P

Boots Not Previewing Correct Dye Colour?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tman.6349


This dyeing discrepency has been ongoing for a long time. In my experience, it’s been mostly associated with Headgear and often led to me not even showing headgear, as it would often take on the weird color change like your having. A full red and black dye scheme would look great, but then the helmet would dye to some Burnt Orange-brownish kind of color. The only thing I can think of that causes this is the difference in materials being dyed. Metals and cloths dyed with Midnight Fire look absolutely fantastic and I’m a huge fan of the MF dye. Then you go to dye your leather boots, gloves, or helmet and end up disgusted. It really does suck tbh and, although it’s happened since launch, often with helmets, this latest patch has taken it to an entirely different level. Nearly any set I try to dye, that is a mix-n-match set of different armors or is a mixed set of different material (ie. cloth, leath, and/or metal), displays this bug and makes it very hard to use some of the more dynamic colors such as MF b/c they shading is completely different on dfferent pieces. I have 10 80s and everyone of them uses a mix-n-match armor scheme so I definitely feel your pain on this one, especially when we’re talking about hundreds of gold for a solid dye collection only to have some of my favorites rendered virtually useless.

Boots Not Previewing Correct Dye Colour?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Does your current shoes and the one you are previewing have the same number of dye channels?