“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
When I first started doing this achieve after the patch was released, all was good, hunt achievements were right on, I found all 10 in 3 different areas, talked with Rox, etc. I log off last night with 6/9 achieves in that list done. I do one boss today and it’s up to 7/9, and after I’ve done all world bosses and all dragons today it’s still sitting on 7/9.
I have been properly rewarded for the new dragon fights but just no title progression. Is this a known issue with anyone else?
Fight Teq two more days in a row and it should be done. At least I think that’s how it’s going to work.
Ok I’ll try but isn’t it supposed to be for any world boss, such as the great jungle wurm or the frozen maw?
It is for any World Boss, but it’s a Daily Achievement, with emphasis on the word Daily.
The last part is for doing the daily so many times I believe. And since we can only do each daily once a day, we have to wait at least four days (or three if we got in two yesterday) to get all the achieves. I have no idea for sure, but that’s how I think it works.
It would really help if the details on the achievement were more specific on that. :/
Ah I get it – the way the achievement is laid out it gives the impression that if you kill world bosses, it should grant you the achieve… but then, like caittus said, I forgot about the daily bit. Thx for the replies.
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